Why this blog?

Because the "900 lb. gorilla in the room" that no one talks about is where we are really headed... not only has the economy hit the skids, and all sorts of environmental events are attention grabbers, but there just MIGHT be something more afoot as we approach 2012. Although Y2K was a "non-event", we probably really ARE on the verge of a consciousness evolution and spiritual revolution. The intent of this blog is to be a harbinger -- to help sound the wake-up call.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I couldn't say it better...

My dear buddy, Steve Bhaerman, aka Swami Beyonanda, IS A GENIUS -- at least as a wordsmith -- and no, NOT all my posts here will be cut and pasted -- but he gave permission to "re-print" his stuff here (hope some readers will subscribe to him and check out Spontaneous Evolution he co-authored with Bruce Lipton)...  but I'm still weary from almost 400 miles of driving over past weekend AND the l00+ F heat here...  so inspiration is reduced to sharing vs. original composition from yours truly~!  Enjoy:

Message From Swami: It Takes a Pillage and a Spillage to Wake the Village and Stop the Drillage


Dear Swami:

The whole world is shocked and saddened by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and I for one am hoping that there is some redeeming benefit in this ecological horror. Since you tend to have a positive perspective, can you find something positive to say about this disaster? Is there some way humanity can deal with this cataclysm?  Ollie Volving, Grimstad, Norway

Dear Ollie:

It is indeed challenging to say something positive about this disaster, but here goes: I am positive this is a disaster. With all the technical fixes broken, there's no telling how long BP will be peeing into the Gulf.

You know, it doesn't seem to matter how alarming the alarm is, we humans tend to want to hit snooze. But it's getting harder to snooze through the news. Take the economic meltdown -- please! While Americans felt the pain, and older folks waxed nostalgic about the good old days, when people robbed banks instead of the other way around, in the end most folks watched passively as our commonwealth got pillaged by the uncommonly wealthy.

But if a pillage alone doesn't awaken the village, then maybe a pillage AND a spillage will do it. And now that Obama has presented BP with a $20 billion invoice, maybe it takes a billage to stop the drillage.

But here is the problem. We humans are so used to fighting amongst ourselves (and that includes all of us, folks ... that's why I know that a sign that Nonjudgment Day is near is when all the peace groups make peace with one another), that we haven't yet learned to speak in one voice to say, "Stop the pillage, the spillage and the drillage ... we are poisoning our global village!"

And ... more importantly ... in that same unified voice, declare the One Suggestion as the new planetary operating system: "We are here to re-grow the Garden, and have a heaven of a time doing it."

If we really want to overgrow the current system ruled by fossilized fools fueled by fossil fuels, we have to address that other spillage of crude that has polluted our body politic: The igno-rants of media motor mouths, particularly those on Fox "News" who have turned their lie-ability into an asset. If only the Evangelicals were into metaphysics ... they would see that F-O-X is 6-6-6 in numerology.

However, spewing more crude back is no way to bring fear-fed red tribe "conservatives" out of their Fox holes. And that brings me to the one sure antidote to cataclysm. Dogaclysm.

For millennia our spiritual teachers have been telling us to treat one another like brothers and sisters. And we see how well that has worked. Because, let's face it. How did we treat our brothers and sisters? We fought with them. We were jealous. We thought, "Mommy likes you better." Or, "Mommy likes me better, so nyah nyah, nyah!"

But what happened when a new puppy came into the household? Everyone stopped fighting and began petting the puppy together. And that's what we need today. Puppy love. Instead of treating one another like brothers and sisters, let's begin to treat each other like lovable puppies, and begin to feel the love. Did you know that when you come in contact with a friendly dog, your body secretes healthy hormones called puptides? And no wonder. Dogs are so filled with unconditional love, it's literally dripping over the sides of their mouths. Maybe the secret to world peace is empowering an elite corps of golden retrievers, beagles and spaniels to anoint all negotiators with their kisses before, during and after their sessions. Imagine ... the Salivation Army.

And so ... nature has presented us with a cataclysm, and we must respond with a dogaclysm -- a tsunami wave of love so doggone powerful that the agents of pillage, spillage and drillage will have no choice but to obey the Master and sit ... stay ... and roll over.

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