Why this blog?

Because the "900 lb. gorilla in the room" that no one talks about is where we are really headed... not only has the economy hit the skids, and all sorts of environmental events are attention grabbers, but there just MIGHT be something more afoot as we approach 2012. Although Y2K was a "non-event", we probably really ARE on the verge of a consciousness evolution and spiritual revolution. The intent of this blog is to be a harbinger -- to help sound the wake-up call.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2012 -- the end of it all or the beginning of something new -- or both?

symbol is called
the Galactic Butterfly
which is said to represent all of
the consciousness that has ever existed
in this galaxy.

As I've touched on the portent of 12/21/2012 -- The Mystery
of 2012 -- predictions, prophecies & possibilities, this
led to earlier work by Ian Lungold.  I do NOT think "2012" will be the end, but the beginning -- not the "rapture", which would get a lotta folks off the hook, but a new paradigm of cooperation vs. competition.

And, I came across some VERY relevant information as noted below:

Earthcode: New Revelations on the Mayan Calendar ~ The Next Nine Years

Carl J. Calleman Ph.D., is a biochemical scientist from Sweden. For 30 years he has worked in labs performing microbiology experiments. Most of his work was investigating how pollution causes disease to proliferate. Eight years ago he trained his attention on the Mayan calendar to see what correlations or sets of facts could be proven not just "studied" as the archeologists have done. What he uncovered with his newfound "hobby" is quickly changing the world and the way we live with it. Dr. Calleman has scientifically proven the Schedule of Creation and Evolution over the last 16.4 billion years (from the Big Bang forward).

As the true meaning of the Mayan calendar is solved, it becomes clear that we are living in a creation that evolves according to a pre-set schedule, i.e., the Maya were keeping track of the flow, rate, and intent of Creation itself or the evolution of consciousness throughout Creation.

You have heard that history repeats itself. This is now proven fact.

There is a repeating pattern to all of Creation. Quantum physics has proven this over and over in the organization of matter. There is a pattern of intentions and events, as well. We - or rather Consciousness - have been down this same road seven times before over the last 16 billion years. Each of these cycles of Creation runs 20 times faster than the last one. The same amount of Creation is paced 20 times tighter. This is why time seems to be going so fast. It is not "time" but Creation itself that is accelerating.

There are scheduled impulses on the part of Creation that are affecting global events today, and during the next nine years until the Mayan calendar ends near 2012.

Details of the Mayan Calendar

The actual pattern of Creation described by the Mayan calendar looks like a pyramid which consists of nine levels or cycles. The bottom level or cycle in the pyramid represents the longest period of time, i.e., 16.4 billion years ago and is called the Cellular level of Creation (first live cells). The second level or cycle from the bottom of the pyramid is 20 times shorter, i.e., 840 million years ago and is called the Mammalian level of Creation (first live births).

Continuing up the pyramid in this fashion with each level becoming 20 times shorter than the latter, the third level ,i.e., 41 million years ago is the Family level (family relationships). The fourth level, i.e., 2 million years ago, is the Tribal level (Homo Sapiens/tools). The fifth level, i.e., 102,000 years ago is the Cultural level (agriculture/religion). The sixth level, i.e., 5,116 years ago is the National level (sovereign nations/laws). The seventh level, i.e., 1755 AD is the planetary level (internet/global economy). The eighth level, January 4, 1999, is the Galactic level (ethical considerations). And the ninth level, i.e., February 10, 2011, is the Universal level (conscious co-creation).

Here is a quick run through of the previous cycles and the consciousness that each level produced:

Cellular cycle - beginning 16.4 billion years ago, developed the consciousness of Action/Reaction.

Mammalian cycle - beginning 820 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Response.

Familial cycle - beginning 41 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Individual Response.

Tribal cycle - beginning 2 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Similarities/Differences.

Cultural cycle - beginning 102,000 years ago, developed the consciousness of Reasons.

National cycle - beginning in the year 3115 B.C., developed the consciousness of Law.

Planetary cycle - beginning in the year 1755 A.D., developed the consciousness of Power.

Galactic cycle - beginning January 5, 1999, developing the consciousness of Ethics.

Universal cycle - beginning February 10, 2011, will be developing the unlimited ability of Conscious Co-Creation.

Looking at the timing and the product of each of the nine cycles listed above, we can see an orderly progression of the development of consciousness and our abilities to interact with the universe (and with each other ~!).

The Mayan calendar ends on October 28, 2011, but some say December 21, 2010 -- but what's a few months in galactic time?

We should notice a parallel here between the Days ruled by Ometeotl in both the National and Planetary cycles. During the Seventh Day of the National cycle, paper money came into use in the West, which meant an abstraction from real values. When the Seventh Day of the Planetary cycle began, as a further step, this paper money lost all relations to real values - in this case, gold. In this way, the world economy has come to be based on a monetary system, which, as we concluded earlier, is basically worthless. What is behind this pattern to begin with? It is well known that the purpose of disconnecting the value of money from gold when economic depressions begin is exactly to keep the wheels of industry turning with artificial means (disconnecting from real values). What is less well known is that these depressions came about as results of the mental effects of the Nights in the Mayan calendar.

What will be the medium of exchange in the future? It will have evolved into a spiritual exchange to that which is admired. Particles of admiration. Love. That's all you were ever doing in the first place. How much was a blanket worth? As much as you admired it. Its true value was based upon your admiration.

Humanity will be investing in what is admirable and nothing else. Your TRUTH, your ETHICS, your INTEGRITY is what will sustain you through all the changes. Therefore, you must have the courage to create what you wish to experience.

from:  http://paulapeterson.com/New_Revelations_Mayan_Calendar.html

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