Why this blog?

Because the "900 lb. gorilla in the room" that no one talks about is where we are really headed... not only has the economy hit the skids, and all sorts of environmental events are attention grabbers, but there just MIGHT be something more afoot as we approach 2012. Although Y2K was a "non-event", we probably really ARE on the verge of a consciousness evolution and spiritual revolution. The intent of this blog is to be a harbinger -- to help sound the wake-up call.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


     According to news reports, Google is about to cut a deal with Verizon that would end the Internet as we know it by allowing giant corporations to control what websites are load quickly and easily on the Internet and dump everyone else onto an Internet slow lane.
     There are a couple of petitions floating 'round the net to sign and send to the PTB (powers that be) to oppose this monopolistic venture -- I signed a petition urging Google to kill the deal with Verizon. Can you join me at this link:  http://pol.moveon.org/google/?r_by=-18017861-0uI_NLx&rc=paste


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