Why this blog?

Because the "900 lb. gorilla in the room" that no one talks about is where we are really headed... not only has the economy hit the skids, and all sorts of environmental events are attention grabbers, but there just MIGHT be something more afoot as we approach 2012. Although Y2K was a "non-event", we probably really ARE on the verge of a consciousness evolution and spiritual revolution. The intent of this blog is to be a harbinger -- to help sound the wake-up call.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


     Drat, you mean things won't return to how they used to be?  According to some visionaries, we can't go home again (but maybe that's a good thing). 
     See: "The more of you that decide to accept the fact that things are changing, that they will never go back to the way that they were -- the more of you who do this, the more you are making space in society and in the world, for everyone to eventually step out of denial and move forward. You will not see the effects of this right away, but it will make an enormous difference if you will gently, consistently look to the future based on what you see happening now rather than imagining how you can try to get things to go back to the way that they were. That will not happen. Any efforts that you as an individual or your government or large institutions make to try to put things back the way they were, will turn out to be just patches that eventually wear through."
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