So how big is 60,000 times 87 days??? Maybe 5 million plus??? (5,220,000 if my calculator went that high). The "fine" (supposedly imposed by our gummint) was reported as $4,300.00 PER BARREL. I KNOW my calculator won't go THAT high, but it might be $22,446,000,000.00 and I SURE can't count THAT high -- $22.5 billion???
And another big number: that big guy who owned some ball team (baseball ???), Bob Steinbrener or whoever, died this week and his heirs will NOT be paying some $5 MILLION in inheritance taxes, thanks to a loophole for this year, 2010, ONLY, "suspending" inheritance taxes -- which WOULD have gone into the Federal teasurery per one reported. Oh well, we're only a trillion $$$'s in the hole so that's hardly walking around money. Thanks Bushie ~!
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