Why this blog?

Because the "900 lb. gorilla in the room" that no one talks about is where we are really headed... not only has the economy hit the skids, and all sorts of environmental events are attention grabbers, but there just MIGHT be something more afoot as we approach 2012. Although Y2K was a "non-event", we probably really ARE on the verge of a consciousness evolution and spiritual revolution. The intent of this blog is to be a harbinger -- to help sound the wake-up call.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We have met the enemy and it is US~! adapted from Pogo

In a scant few centuries, we two-leggeds have made enormous changes on Gaia -- crawling out of caves and into civilizations.  However, we've created more problems than we seem able to solve.  Clearly our current predicament is seen, in large measure, to be a crisis in our collective thinking or, as some would say, a crisis in consciousness. Either way, it was Albert Einstein who said “you cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it”.

In order to continue to thrive and NOT die, civilization’s understanding of the nature of reality and hence our survival and future well-being is entirely dependent upon the emergence of a completely different worldview, a new paradigm, one that properly addresses, in verifiable scientific terms, our collective relationship to each other, to the environment, to nature, and to the Universe.

Achieving new views of reality and, by implication, a sustainable modern civilization requires enlightened efforts to establish a fundamental shift in common perceptions leading to changes in thinking, values, behavior and actions based on the concepts of inter-connectedness, cooperation, and interdependence in all human endeavors. This shift can come about if a significant portion of humankind develops this new awareness and understanding and incorporates them into individual and societal belief systems.  These words, while reflecting my own, are from Dr. Edgar Mitchell, one of 12 men who walked on the moon.

Mitchell is BRILLIANT -- and has much to say that is relevent, here and now, for our collective future~!  Read much more from his mind at http://www.quantrek.org/ or a wee bit more here.  Since the 17th century science has been based on the belief that all phenomena are the results of blind but predictable interactions of matter. This orientation has led to a reductionist view of reality and a materialistic focus – one of consumption, competition, conflict and domination. However, by the end of the 20th century, new scientific evidence has emerged from the field of quantum mechanics and the study of so-called supernatural phenomena that render the reductionist view of reality not only untenable but incorrect as well. Instead, a new paradigm is surfacing which places great emphasis on consciousness and its role in the creation of physical reality and on the point of view that reality is a holistic, interconnected matrix, and that information, once gained, is never lost and that these concepts are true at a deep and fundamental level of existence.

Sages, saints, and shamen have all held a similar world view and advocated oneness, unconditional love, living harmoniously with nature and one’s fellow humans and recognizing the interconnectedness and interdependence of all creation.  Many current world crises, including energy consumption, inadequate health care, rampant malnutrition, environmental degradation, and violent conflict between countries, regions and religions, are not isolated events. Growing evidence suggests that myriad misunderstood phenomena in nature be they physical, mental, or spiritual, may be best explainable by a new framework that treats events in the world as interdependent components of an inseparable whole.  Just as modern Homo Sapiens displaced Neanderthal man, so too must modern man evolve to the next level of further knowledge, sophistication and refinement. Indicators abound that time is running out on what is now called “post modernism”. We must swiftly evolve to the next level by eradicating pervasive ignorance concerning who we really are and why we are here. We must recognize that the behaviors and practices of global civilization are not sustainable or face the extreme likelihood of mass death and destruction, if not extinction all together. Some writers have called this the need for a Consciousness Evolution.

"This we know. All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
Chief Seattle circa 1850.

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