Cybersecurity Measures Will Mandate Government “ID Tokens” To Use The Internet
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Prison Monday, June 28, 2010
The move to shut down and regulate the Internet under a new government-controlled system has accelerated into high gear with the announcement that the government’s cybersecurity strategy revolves around issuing Internet users with ID “tokens” without which they will not be able to visit websites, the latest salvo against web freedom which, in combination with Senator Joe Lieberman’s ‘kill switch’ bill, will serve to eviscerate the free Internet as we know it.
Under the guise of “cybersecurity,” the government is moving to discredit and shut down the existing Internet infrastructure in the pursuit of a new, centralized, regulated world wide web. It is important to stress that “cybersecurity” has nothing to do with protecting the infrastructure of the United States and everything to do with taking over the Internet. Cybersecurity is about attacking non-compliant Internet users, not defending against hackers.
Non-compliance equates as using the Internet as a political tool to dissent against the policies of the U.S. government. Having already tried and failed in flooding the web with paid disinformation agents, the government is now turning to its only recourse, exploiting hyped or outright staged cyberattacks as an excuse through which to implement an Internet 2 system controlled and regulated solely by the authorities. We are constantly told that the Internet needs to be subject to government control because cyberterrorists could hack in and bring down the national power grid.
However, the vast majority of the U.S. power infrastructure is not connected to the Internet. It will only be connected to the Internet if the government accelerates the implementation of “smart grid” technology, so in this sense, the government itself is leaving the power grid more vulnerable to hackers by its own programs. Threats against computer networks in the United States are grossly exaggerated. Dire reports issued by the Defense Science Board and the Center for Strategic and International Studies “are usually richer in vivid metaphor — with fears of ‘digital Pearl Harbors’ and ‘cyber-Katrinas’ — than in factual foundation,” writes Evgeny Morozov, a Belarus-born researcher and blogger who writes on the political effects of the internet.
Morozov notes that much of the data on the supposed cyber threat “are gathered by ultra-secretive government agencies — which need to justify their own existence — and cyber-security companies — which derive commercial benefits from popular anxiety.” Should the government go ahead and try to exercise the powers it is now on the verge of acquiring, we’d expect to see the Internet shut down for a few days in order to prevent some kind of contrived cyberattack blamed on terrorists. Sure, there will be problems, but large corporations will raise little dissent safe in the knowledge that the Lieberman legislation gives them immunity from civil lawsuits and also ensures they are reimbursed for any costs incurred if the Internet is shut down for a period of time.
After a series of shutdowns, the government will simply demand that every corporation or individual who wants to operate a website first obtain a license and an individual Internet ID. Such licenses will be revoked for anyone who engages in “hate speech,” which is now so broad a term that it encompasses offending anyone on the Internet. The result will be a sterile and regulated Internet which more closely resembles cable TV than the true open source, outpost of free speech that we have come to know and love. This exact strategy was outlined in a paper published by Obama’s cybersecurity co-ordinator Howard Schmidt, which was compiled with the aid of the National Security Council.
The strategy revolves around, “The creation of a system for identity management that would allow citizens to use additional authentication techniques, such as physical tokens or modules on mobile phones, to verify who they are before buying things online or accessing such sensitive information as health or banking records,” reports the FInancial Times. Only with this government-issued “token” will Internet users be allowed to “able to move from website to website,” a system not too far removed from what China proposed and rejected for being too authoritarian.
It is imperative that everyone redouble their efforts to bring attention to this matter because Lieberman’s bill is on the verge of passing the Senate and it will hand the government total control over the Internet unless we can alert enough organizations from across the political spectrum to oppose this monstrosity in unison. The true nature of the cybersecurity agenda was revealed when Lieberman told CNN’s Candy Crowley that his 197-page Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act (PDF) legislation was part of an effort to mimic China’s control of the Internet. “Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too,” said Lieberman.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Who knew what and when?
Note: Bob Chapman is former CIA.
TheAlexJonesChannel (see his stuff on you tube)
June 25, 2010
Day 63: Obama To Earn Nearly $85 Million From Gulf Oil Disaster
"Goldman Sachs wasn't alone either in its astute "foreknowledge" of the collapse of BP's stock value due to the Gulf disaster as BP's own chief executive, Tony Hayward, sold about one-third of his shares weeks before this catastrophe began unfolding too.
But according to this FSB report the largest seller of BP stock in the weeks before this disaster occurred was the American investment company known as Vanguard who through two of their financial arms (Vanguard Windsor II Investor and Vanguard Windsor Investor) unloaded over 1.5 million shares of BP stock saving their investors hundreds of millions of dollars, chief among them President Obama.
For though little known by the American people, their President Obama holds all of his wealth in just two Vanguard funds, Vanguard 500 Index Fund where he has 3 accounts and the Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund where he holds another 3 accounts, all six of which the FSB estimates will earn Obama nearly $8.5 million a year and which over 10 years will equal the staggering sum of $85 million.
The FSB further estimates in this report that through Obama's 3 accounts in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund he stands to make another $100 million over the next 10 years as their largest stock holding is in the energy giant Exxon Mobil they believe will eventually acquire BP and all of their assets for what will be essentially a "rock bottom" price and which very predictably BP has hired Goldman Sachs to advise them on.
Important to note is that none of this wealth Obama, Goldman Sachs, and other American elites is acquiring would be possible without this disaster, all of whom, as the evidence shows, "somehow" knew what was going to happen before it actually did, including the US energy giant Halliburton who 2 weeks prior to this disaster just happened to purchase the World's largest oil disaster service company Boots & Coots".
CHECK OUT Bob's website:
TheAlexJonesChannel (see his stuff on you tube)
June 25, 2010
Day 63: Obama To Earn Nearly $85 Million From Gulf Oil Disaster
"Goldman Sachs wasn't alone either in its astute "foreknowledge" of the collapse of BP's stock value due to the Gulf disaster as BP's own chief executive, Tony Hayward, sold about one-third of his shares weeks before this catastrophe began unfolding too.
But according to this FSB report the largest seller of BP stock in the weeks before this disaster occurred was the American investment company known as Vanguard who through two of their financial arms (Vanguard Windsor II Investor and Vanguard Windsor Investor) unloaded over 1.5 million shares of BP stock saving their investors hundreds of millions of dollars, chief among them President Obama.
For though little known by the American people, their President Obama holds all of his wealth in just two Vanguard funds, Vanguard 500 Index Fund where he has 3 accounts and the Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund where he holds another 3 accounts, all six of which the FSB estimates will earn Obama nearly $8.5 million a year and which over 10 years will equal the staggering sum of $85 million.
The FSB further estimates in this report that through Obama's 3 accounts in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund he stands to make another $100 million over the next 10 years as their largest stock holding is in the energy giant Exxon Mobil they believe will eventually acquire BP and all of their assets for what will be essentially a "rock bottom" price and which very predictably BP has hired Goldman Sachs to advise them on.
Important to note is that none of this wealth Obama, Goldman Sachs, and other American elites is acquiring would be possible without this disaster, all of whom, as the evidence shows, "somehow" knew what was going to happen before it actually did, including the US energy giant Halliburton who 2 weeks prior to this disaster just happened to purchase the World's largest oil disaster service company Boots & Coots".
CHECK OUT Bob's website:
economic mess,
Gulf Oil Spill
Monday, June 28, 2010
The American Dream = The Global Nightmare ~! ???
World War III: The 12-Bomb Equation, Exploding Population times Accelerating Demand minus Scarce Commodities equals New Resources Wars Everywhere!
So what’s the biggest time-bomb for Obama, America, capitalism, the world? No, not global warming. Not poverty. Not even peak oil. What is the absolute biggest? One like the trigger mechanism on a nuclear bomb. One that’ll throw a wrench in global economic growth, ending capitalism, even destroying modern civilization. The one that – if not solved soon – renders all efforts to solve all the other problems in the world, irrelevant, futile and virtually impossible. Yes, that one.
News flash: the “Billionaires Club” knows: Bill Gates called billionaire philanthropists to a super-secret meeting in Manhattan last May. Included: Buffett, Rockefeller, Soros, Bloomberg, Turner, Oprah and others meeting at the “home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel prize biochemist and president of the private Rockefeller University, in Manhattan,” reports John Harlow in the London TimesOnline. During an afternoon session each was “given 15 minutes to present their favourite cause. Over dinner they discussed how they might settle on an ‘umbrella cause’ that could harness their interests.”
The world’s biggest time-bomb? Overpopulation say the billionaires. Too many people! Yes, over-population is the world’s #1 problem. And yet, global governments with their $50 trillion GDP, aren’t even trying to solve the world’s “over-population problem.” G-20 leaders ignore it. So by 2050 the Earth’s population will explode by almost 50%, from 6.6 billion today to 9.3 billion says the UN. And what about those billionaires and their billions? Can they make stop the trend? Sadly no. Only a major crisis, a global catastrophe, a collapse beyond anything prior in world history will do it.
Here’s why. Civilizations collapse fast, crises trigger, leaders clueless “One of the disturbing facts of history is that so many civilizations collapse,” warns Jared Diamond, an environmental biologist, Pulitzer prizewinner and author of Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Many “civilizations share a sharp curve of decline. Indeed, a society’s demise may begin only a decade or two after it reaches its peak population, wealth and power.” Other voices are darker, shrill: “We’re past the point of no return.” “It’s already too late.” “The end is near.” As with Rome’s collapse, it happens fast. Clueless leaders are caught off-guard, like Greenspan, Bernanke and Paulson a couple years ago.
Call it “WWIII—the Population Wars.” A few years ago Fortune analyzed a classified Pentagon report predicting that “climate could change radically and fast. That would be the mother of all national security issues” Population unrest would then create “massive droughts, turning farmland into dust bowls and forests to ashes.” And “by 2020 there is little doubt that something drastic is happening … an old pattern could emerge; warfare defining human life.” War will be the end-game: For capitalism, civilization, earth? Diamond’s 12-part equation is very simple, fits perfectly with a global warfare scenario: “More people require more food, space, water, energy, and other resources …
There is a long built-in momentum to human population growth called the ‘demographic bulge’ with a disproportionate number of children and young reproductive-age people.” And if the “bulge” stops for any reason, game over. Economic “growth” ends, killing capitalism. So look closely: Diamond’s equation has 12 time-bombs. But note, the first two are the biggest triggers in the formula. The other 10 are derivative variables driving what we call the “WWIII-Population Wars” equation. We’ve expanded on Diamond’s source data. One. “WWIII-Population Wars:” the “Over-Population Multiplier” According to TimesOnline: A few months before the billionaires meeting Gates noted: “Official [UN] projections say the world’s population will peak at 9.3 billion [up from 6.6 billion today] but with charitable initiatives, such as better reproductive healthcare, we think we can cap that at 8.3 billion.”
Still, that’s 23% more than today’s 6.6 billion. Can it be stopped? In a recent special issue of Scientific American, population was called “the most overlooked and essential strategy for achieving long-term balance with the environment.” Why? Population’s the new “third-rail” for politicians. So they ignore it. Yet, if all nations consumed resources at the same rate as America, we’d need six Earths to survive. Unfortunately that scenario is unstoppable. Because by 2050, while America’s population grows from 300 million to a mere 400 million, the rest of the world will explode from 6.3 billion to 8.9 billion, with over 1.4 billion each in China and India. Two. “WWIII-Population Wars” equation: “Population Impact Multiplier” Diamond warns: “There are ‘optimists’ who argue that the world could support double its human population.” But he adds, they “consider only the increase in human numbers and not average increase in per-capita impact. But I have not heard anyone who seriously argues that the world could support 12 times it’s current impact.” And yet, that’s exactly what happens with “all Third World inhabitants adopting First World standards.” Folks, we oversold the “American Dream.” Now everyone wants it.
Not just 300 million Americans, but 6.3 billion people worldwide are demanding more, more, more! “What really counts,” says Diamond, “is not the number of people alone, but their impact on the environment,” the “per-capita impact.” First World citizens “consume 32 times more resources such as fossil fuels, and put out 32 times more waste, than do the inhabitants of the Third World.” So the race is on: “Low impact people are becoming high-impact people” aspiring “to First World living standards.” The American Dream is now the “Global Dream.” Warning: The “Impact Multiplier” will drive the global “WWIII-Population Wars” equation even if there is zero population growth to 2050!
So what’s the biggest time-bomb for Obama, America, capitalism, the world? No, not global warming. Not poverty. Not even peak oil. What is the absolute biggest? One like the trigger mechanism on a nuclear bomb. One that’ll throw a wrench in global economic growth, ending capitalism, even destroying modern civilization. The one that – if not solved soon – renders all efforts to solve all the other problems in the world, irrelevant, futile and virtually impossible. Yes, that one.
News flash: the “Billionaires Club” knows: Bill Gates called billionaire philanthropists to a super-secret meeting in Manhattan last May. Included: Buffett, Rockefeller, Soros, Bloomberg, Turner, Oprah and others meeting at the “home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel prize biochemist and president of the private Rockefeller University, in Manhattan,” reports John Harlow in the London TimesOnline. During an afternoon session each was “given 15 minutes to present their favourite cause. Over dinner they discussed how they might settle on an ‘umbrella cause’ that could harness their interests.”
The world’s biggest time-bomb? Overpopulation say the billionaires. Too many people! Yes, over-population is the world’s #1 problem. And yet, global governments with their $50 trillion GDP, aren’t even trying to solve the world’s “over-population problem.” G-20 leaders ignore it. So by 2050 the Earth’s population will explode by almost 50%, from 6.6 billion today to 9.3 billion says the UN. And what about those billionaires and their billions? Can they make stop the trend? Sadly no. Only a major crisis, a global catastrophe, a collapse beyond anything prior in world history will do it.
Here’s why. Civilizations collapse fast, crises trigger, leaders clueless “One of the disturbing facts of history is that so many civilizations collapse,” warns Jared Diamond, an environmental biologist, Pulitzer prizewinner and author of Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Many “civilizations share a sharp curve of decline. Indeed, a society’s demise may begin only a decade or two after it reaches its peak population, wealth and power.” Other voices are darker, shrill: “We’re past the point of no return.” “It’s already too late.” “The end is near.” As with Rome’s collapse, it happens fast. Clueless leaders are caught off-guard, like Greenspan, Bernanke and Paulson a couple years ago.
Call it “WWIII—the Population Wars.” A few years ago Fortune analyzed a classified Pentagon report predicting that “climate could change radically and fast. That would be the mother of all national security issues” Population unrest would then create “massive droughts, turning farmland into dust bowls and forests to ashes.” And “by 2020 there is little doubt that something drastic is happening … an old pattern could emerge; warfare defining human life.” War will be the end-game: For capitalism, civilization, earth? Diamond’s 12-part equation is very simple, fits perfectly with a global warfare scenario: “More people require more food, space, water, energy, and other resources …
There is a long built-in momentum to human population growth called the ‘demographic bulge’ with a disproportionate number of children and young reproductive-age people.” And if the “bulge” stops for any reason, game over. Economic “growth” ends, killing capitalism. So look closely: Diamond’s equation has 12 time-bombs. But note, the first two are the biggest triggers in the formula. The other 10 are derivative variables driving what we call the “WWIII-Population Wars” equation. We’ve expanded on Diamond’s source data. One. “WWIII-Population Wars:” the “Over-Population Multiplier” According to TimesOnline: A few months before the billionaires meeting Gates noted: “Official [UN] projections say the world’s population will peak at 9.3 billion [up from 6.6 billion today] but with charitable initiatives, such as better reproductive healthcare, we think we can cap that at 8.3 billion.”
Still, that’s 23% more than today’s 6.6 billion. Can it be stopped? In a recent special issue of Scientific American, population was called “the most overlooked and essential strategy for achieving long-term balance with the environment.” Why? Population’s the new “third-rail” for politicians. So they ignore it. Yet, if all nations consumed resources at the same rate as America, we’d need six Earths to survive. Unfortunately that scenario is unstoppable. Because by 2050, while America’s population grows from 300 million to a mere 400 million, the rest of the world will explode from 6.3 billion to 8.9 billion, with over 1.4 billion each in China and India. Two. “WWIII-Population Wars” equation: “Population Impact Multiplier” Diamond warns: “There are ‘optimists’ who argue that the world could support double its human population.” But he adds, they “consider only the increase in human numbers and not average increase in per-capita impact. But I have not heard anyone who seriously argues that the world could support 12 times it’s current impact.” And yet, that’s exactly what happens with “all Third World inhabitants adopting First World standards.” Folks, we oversold the “American Dream.” Now everyone wants it.
Not just 300 million Americans, but 6.3 billion people worldwide are demanding more, more, more! “What really counts,” says Diamond, “is not the number of people alone, but their impact on the environment,” the “per-capita impact.” First World citizens “consume 32 times more resources such as fossil fuels, and put out 32 times more waste, than do the inhabitants of the Third World.” So the race is on: “Low impact people are becoming high-impact people” aspiring “to First World living standards.” The American Dream is now the “Global Dream.” Warning: The “Impact Multiplier” will drive the global “WWIII-Population Wars” equation even if there is zero population growth to 2050!
economic collapse,
Saturday, June 26, 2010
LATEST DEVELOPMENTS THAT MUST BE SEEN IMMEDIATELY - The following Call to Action is already posted on over 280 of websites... Oh!! And BTW as the conspiracy-aware people have probably started figuring out, this "Gulf Oil Spill" has all the telltale signs of a false flag operation perpetrated by some the worst evil souls on Earth and may very well end up being billed in the Truther community as the "2010 9/11" or the "BP/Rothschild 9/11" or whatever... See the circumstantial evidence starting at the top of the Worthy of Your Attention section below (especially Gulf Spill: Disaster? Or a Well Organized Plan - BP, Illusion of a False Spill and BP Gulf oil false flag catastrophe may be a psyops scripted by prophecy and psychic visions - Part 1) URGENT CALL TO ACTION NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE GULF OF MEXICO - YOUR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE IS REQUESTED The recent oil spill in the Gulf is escalating with catastrophic vulnerability concerning the wellhead. Experts say a huge and very toxic gas bubble has formed and extreme pressure is building. The recent oil spill in the Gulf is escalating with catastrophic vulnerability concerning the wellhead. Experts say a huge and very toxic gas bubble has formed and extreme pressure is building - fissures have already developed. They are predicting real possibility of volcanic like explosion producing tsunami and other major events. In these next few weeks, we will experience extremely powerful energy especially with the astro alignments, solstice and eclipses. Now more than ever, your assistance is needed with focused prayers, invocation to the realms of light, assisting star nations and sending light and sound transmission to the Gulf of Mexico. Connecting to the Crystalline Grid is one of the fastest and surest way to transmit the purity of your energy to and through the Earth and out to the galactic. Envelop this entire region and all unwanted rising potential in violet flames and pure white light. Please ask everyone around you and network groups to assist in combining this focus starting NOW and especially with the incoming Solstice energies. Our focus is qualified with alignment to Divine Will and the highest good of all concerned. Link to Mother Earth Oil Spill Invocation Gulf Oil Gusher: Danger of Tsunamis From Methane? (June 21, 2010) -
Older documents indicate that the subterranean geological formation below the "Macondo" well in the Gulf of Mexico may contain the presence of a huge methane deposit. It has been a well known fact that the methane in that oil deposit was problematic. As a result, there was a much higher risk of a blow out. Macondo shares its name with the cursed town in the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by the Nobel-prize winning writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez. By some geologists' estimates, the methane could be a massive bubble trapped for thousands of years under the Gulf of Mexico sea floor. More than a year ago, geologists expressed alarm in regard to BP and Transocean putting their exploratory rig directly over this massive underground reservoir of methane.
Warnings were raised before the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe that the area of seabed chosen might be unstable and inherently dangerous. (...) According to geologists, the first signs that the methane may burst its way through the bottom of the ocean would be manifest via fissures or cracks appearing on the ocean floor near the path of least resistance, ie, the damaged well head. Evidence of fissures opening up on the seabed have been captured by the robotic midget submarines working to repair and contain the ruptured well. Smaller, independent plumes have also appeared outside the nearby radius of the bore hole. When reviewing video tapes of the live BP feeds, one can see in the tapes of mid-June that there is oil spewing up from visible fissions. Geologists are pointing to new fissures and cracks that are appearing on the ocean floor. (...)
Cascading Catastrophe Scenarios 1. Loss of Buoyancy: Huge methane gas bubbles under a ship can cause a sudden buoyancy loss. This causes a ship to tilt adversely or worse. Every ship, drilling rig and structure within a ten mile radius of the escaping methane bubble would have to deal with a rapid change in buoyancy, causing many oil structures in its vicinity to become unstable and ships to sink. The lives of all the workers, engineers, coast guard personnel and marine biologists -- measuring and mitigating the oil plumes' advance and assisting with the clean up -- could be in some danger. Therefore, advanced safety measures should be put in place.
2. First Tsunami with Toxic Cloud: If the toxic gas bubble explodes, it might simultaneously set off a tsunami travelling at a high speed of hundreds of miles per hour. Florida might be most exposed to the fury of a tsunami wave. The entire Gulf coastline would be vulnerable, if the tsunami is manifest. Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and southern region of Georgia might experience the effects of the tsunami according to some sources.
3. Second Tsunami via Vaporisation: After several billion barrels of oil and billions of cubic feet of gas have been released, the massive cavity beneath the ocean floor will begin to normalise, allowing freezing water to be forced naturally into the huge cavity where the oil and gas once were. The temperature in that cavity can be extremely hot at around 150 degrees celsius or more. The incoming water will be vaporised and turned into steam, creating an enormous force, which could actually lift the Gulf floor. According to computer models, a second massive tsunami wave might occur. Conclusion: The danger of loss of buoyancy and cascading tsunamis in the Gulf of Mexico -- caused by the release of the massive methane and poisonous gas bubble -- has been a much lower probability in the early period of the crisis, which began on April 20th. However, as time goes by and the risk increases, this low probability high impact scenario ought not to be ignored, given that the safety and security of the personnel involved remains paramount. Could this be how nature eventually seals the hole created by the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher?
The intractable problem is that this methane, located deep in the bowels of the earth, is under tremendous pressure. Experts agree that the pressure that blows the oil into the Gulf waters is estimated to be between 30,000 and 70,000 pounds per square inch (psi). Some speculate that the pressure of the methane at the base of the well head, deep under the ocean floor, may be as high as 100,000 psi -- far too much for current technology to contain. The shutoff valves and safety measures were only built for thousands of psi at best. There is no known device to cap a well with such an ultra high pressure.
"The significant problems we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." -- A. Einstein NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE GULF OF MEXICO - YOUR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE IS REQUESTED The recent oil spill in the Gulf is escalating with catastrophic vulnerability concerning the wellhead. Experts say a huge and very toxic gas bubble has formed and extreme pressure is building. The recent oil spill in the Gulf is escalating with catastrophic vulnerability concerning the wellhead. Experts say a huge and very toxic gas bubble has formed and extreme pressure is building - fissures have already developed. They are predicting real possibility of volcanic like explosion producing tsunami and other major events. In these next few weeks, we will experience extremely powerful energy especially with the astro alignments, solstice and eclipses. Now more than ever, your assistance is needed with focused prayers, invocation to the realms of light, assisting star nations and sending light and sound transmission to the Gulf of Mexico. Connecting to the Crystalline Grid is one of the fastest and surest way to transmit the purity of your energy to and through the Earth and out to the galactic. Envelop this entire region and all unwanted rising potential in violet flames and pure white light. Please ask everyone around you and network groups to assist in combining this focus starting NOW and especially with the incoming Solstice energies. Our focus is qualified with alignment to Divine Will and the highest good of all concerned. Link to Mother Earth Oil Spill Invocation Gulf Oil Gusher: Danger of Tsunamis From Methane? (June 21, 2010) -
Older documents indicate that the subterranean geological formation below the "Macondo" well in the Gulf of Mexico may contain the presence of a huge methane deposit. It has been a well known fact that the methane in that oil deposit was problematic. As a result, there was a much higher risk of a blow out. Macondo shares its name with the cursed town in the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by the Nobel-prize winning writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez. By some geologists' estimates, the methane could be a massive bubble trapped for thousands of years under the Gulf of Mexico sea floor. More than a year ago, geologists expressed alarm in regard to BP and Transocean putting their exploratory rig directly over this massive underground reservoir of methane.
Warnings were raised before the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe that the area of seabed chosen might be unstable and inherently dangerous. (...) According to geologists, the first signs that the methane may burst its way through the bottom of the ocean would be manifest via fissures or cracks appearing on the ocean floor near the path of least resistance, ie, the damaged well head. Evidence of fissures opening up on the seabed have been captured by the robotic midget submarines working to repair and contain the ruptured well. Smaller, independent plumes have also appeared outside the nearby radius of the bore hole. When reviewing video tapes of the live BP feeds, one can see in the tapes of mid-June that there is oil spewing up from visible fissions. Geologists are pointing to new fissures and cracks that are appearing on the ocean floor. (...)
Cascading Catastrophe Scenarios 1. Loss of Buoyancy: Huge methane gas bubbles under a ship can cause a sudden buoyancy loss. This causes a ship to tilt adversely or worse. Every ship, drilling rig and structure within a ten mile radius of the escaping methane bubble would have to deal with a rapid change in buoyancy, causing many oil structures in its vicinity to become unstable and ships to sink. The lives of all the workers, engineers, coast guard personnel and marine biologists -- measuring and mitigating the oil plumes' advance and assisting with the clean up -- could be in some danger. Therefore, advanced safety measures should be put in place.
2. First Tsunami with Toxic Cloud: If the toxic gas bubble explodes, it might simultaneously set off a tsunami travelling at a high speed of hundreds of miles per hour. Florida might be most exposed to the fury of a tsunami wave. The entire Gulf coastline would be vulnerable, if the tsunami is manifest. Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and southern region of Georgia might experience the effects of the tsunami according to some sources.
3. Second Tsunami via Vaporisation: After several billion barrels of oil and billions of cubic feet of gas have been released, the massive cavity beneath the ocean floor will begin to normalise, allowing freezing water to be forced naturally into the huge cavity where the oil and gas once were. The temperature in that cavity can be extremely hot at around 150 degrees celsius or more. The incoming water will be vaporised and turned into steam, creating an enormous force, which could actually lift the Gulf floor. According to computer models, a second massive tsunami wave might occur. Conclusion: The danger of loss of buoyancy and cascading tsunamis in the Gulf of Mexico -- caused by the release of the massive methane and poisonous gas bubble -- has been a much lower probability in the early period of the crisis, which began on April 20th. However, as time goes by and the risk increases, this low probability high impact scenario ought not to be ignored, given that the safety and security of the personnel involved remains paramount. Could this be how nature eventually seals the hole created by the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher?
The intractable problem is that this methane, located deep in the bowels of the earth, is under tremendous pressure. Experts agree that the pressure that blows the oil into the Gulf waters is estimated to be between 30,000 and 70,000 pounds per square inch (psi). Some speculate that the pressure of the methane at the base of the well head, deep under the ocean floor, may be as high as 100,000 psi -- far too much for current technology to contain. The shutoff valves and safety measures were only built for thousands of psi at best. There is no known device to cap a well with such an ultra high pressure.
"The significant problems we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." -- A. Einstein
Gulf Oil Spill,
Friday, June 25, 2010
OIL, OIL AND MORE OIL... for a Quarter of a Century???
IF that massive oil "leak" in the Gulf can't be stopped, plugged or sucked up effectively (with the LEAST amount of ecological damage), we can't even FATHOM the full extent of ensuing problems. I hate to be "doom and gloomy" but we (the people) have NEVER faced a problem of this magnitude. How come we could engineer moon landings but we can't engineer a "FIX" to deep-sea drilling? If we CAN'T (or don't / won't) envision potential problems and plan for solutions to them, what business do we have GAMBLING with our EARTH?
Concerns about the integrity of the sub-seabed well casing appear also to be motivating some seriously doomerish recent public statements from Matt Simmons, the energy investment banker who decided to go rogue a couple of years ago following the publication of his controversial Peak Oil book Twilight in the Desert.
Simmons says, for example, that “it could be 24 years before the deepwater gusher ends,” a forecast that makes little sense if one accepts the conventional view of what’s wrong with the Deepwater Horizon well and how long it will take to plug it with relief wells.
Are these concerns credible? From a technical standpoint, it is clear that improperly cemented wells can and do rupture and cause blowouts. It’s fairly clear that this is part of what happened with Deepwater Horizon. But is the well casing further disintegrating, and is oil escaping the well bore horizontally as well as vertically? We just don’t know. And that is largely due to the fact that BP is as opaque on this score as it has been with regard to nearly every sensitive technical issue (including the rate of leakage) since its drilling rig exploded two months ago.
So far, up to 3.6 million barrels of oil have spilled into the Gulf. The size of the Macondo oilfield has been estimated as being anywhere from 25 to 100 million barrels. It is unclear how much of that oil-in-place would escape upward into Gulf waters if its flow remained completely unchecked, but it is safe to assume that at least half, and probably a much greater proportion, would eventually drain upward. That means many times as much oil would enter the Gulf waters as has done so until now.
Already Deepwater Horizon is the not only the worst oil spill, but the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. Multiplying the scale of this existing catastrophe multiple times sends us into truly uncharted territory.
Already, coastal ecosystems are being shredded; for a sense of how bad it is for wildlife in the Gulf now, just read “Biologists fear Gulf wildlife will suffer for generations.” In a truly worst case, oil — and perhaps dissolved methane as well — would hitch a ride on ocean currents out to the deep Atlantic, spreading ecological destruction far and wide.
For the economies of coastal states, a worst-case leakage scenario would be utterly devastating. Not only the fishing industry, but the oil industry as well would be fatally crippled, due to the disruption of operations at refineries. Shipping via the Mississippi River, which handles 60 percent of all U.S. grain exports, could be imperiled, since the Port of South Louisiana, the largest bulk cargo port in the world, might have to be closed if ships are unable to operate in oil-drenched waters. Unemployment in the region would soar and economic refugees would scatter in all directions.
The consequences for BP would almost certainly be fatal: it is questionable whether the corporation can survive even in the best case (that is, if “bottom kill” efforts succeed in August); if the spill goes on past the end of the year, then claims against the company and investor flight will probably push it into bankruptcy. Americans may shed few tears over this prospect, but BP happens to be Great Britain’s largest corporation, so the impact to the British economy could be substantial.
The consequences for the oil industry as a whole would also be dire. More regulations, soaring insurance rates, and drilling moratoria would lead to oil price spikes and shortages. Foreign national oil companies could of course continue to operate much as before, but the big independent companies, even if they shifted operations elsewhere, would be hit hard.
For President Obama, an environmental disaster of the scale we are discussing could have political consequences at least equivalent to those of the Iranian hostage crisis during the Carter presidency. Obama’s only chance at survival would be an FDR-like show of leadership backed by bold energy and economic plans and ruthless disregard for partisan bickering and monied interests.
For the U.S. economy, already weakened by a still-unfolding financial crisis, a worst-case scenario in the Gulf could be the last straw. The cumulative impacts—falling grain exports, soaring unemployment in southeastern coastal states, higher oil prices—would almost certainly spell the end to any hope of recovery and might push the nation into the worst Depression in its history.
We would all prefer not even to contemplate such a scenario, much less live with it. It is irresponsible to inflict needless worry on readers, but the more I learn about the technical issues, and the worse news gets, the more likely this scenario seems. We all hope that a relief well will succeed in stopping the oil flow sometime around August, and that until then BP will be able to siphon off most of the oil escaping through the riser and damaged blowout preventer. But one has to wonder: is anyone at the White House seriously considering the worst-case scenario? And what should citizens be doing to prepare, just in case?
(Here’s a tip: read my FIRST post or so at this blog on survival / preparedness and stock in at least a 30-day, 60-day better food supply ~!)
Concerns about the integrity of the sub-seabed well casing appear also to be motivating some seriously doomerish recent public statements from Matt Simmons, the energy investment banker who decided to go rogue a couple of years ago following the publication of his controversial Peak Oil book Twilight in the Desert.
Simmons says, for example, that “it could be 24 years before the deepwater gusher ends,” a forecast that makes little sense if one accepts the conventional view of what’s wrong with the Deepwater Horizon well and how long it will take to plug it with relief wells.
Are these concerns credible? From a technical standpoint, it is clear that improperly cemented wells can and do rupture and cause blowouts. It’s fairly clear that this is part of what happened with Deepwater Horizon. But is the well casing further disintegrating, and is oil escaping the well bore horizontally as well as vertically? We just don’t know. And that is largely due to the fact that BP is as opaque on this score as it has been with regard to nearly every sensitive technical issue (including the rate of leakage) since its drilling rig exploded two months ago.
So far, up to 3.6 million barrels of oil have spilled into the Gulf. The size of the Macondo oilfield has been estimated as being anywhere from 25 to 100 million barrels. It is unclear how much of that oil-in-place would escape upward into Gulf waters if its flow remained completely unchecked, but it is safe to assume that at least half, and probably a much greater proportion, would eventually drain upward. That means many times as much oil would enter the Gulf waters as has done so until now.
Already Deepwater Horizon is the not only the worst oil spill, but the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. Multiplying the scale of this existing catastrophe multiple times sends us into truly uncharted territory.
Already, coastal ecosystems are being shredded; for a sense of how bad it is for wildlife in the Gulf now, just read “Biologists fear Gulf wildlife will suffer for generations.” In a truly worst case, oil — and perhaps dissolved methane as well — would hitch a ride on ocean currents out to the deep Atlantic, spreading ecological destruction far and wide.
For the economies of coastal states, a worst-case leakage scenario would be utterly devastating. Not only the fishing industry, but the oil industry as well would be fatally crippled, due to the disruption of operations at refineries. Shipping via the Mississippi River, which handles 60 percent of all U.S. grain exports, could be imperiled, since the Port of South Louisiana, the largest bulk cargo port in the world, might have to be closed if ships are unable to operate in oil-drenched waters. Unemployment in the region would soar and economic refugees would scatter in all directions.
The consequences for BP would almost certainly be fatal: it is questionable whether the corporation can survive even in the best case (that is, if “bottom kill” efforts succeed in August); if the spill goes on past the end of the year, then claims against the company and investor flight will probably push it into bankruptcy. Americans may shed few tears over this prospect, but BP happens to be Great Britain’s largest corporation, so the impact to the British economy could be substantial.
The consequences for the oil industry as a whole would also be dire. More regulations, soaring insurance rates, and drilling moratoria would lead to oil price spikes and shortages. Foreign national oil companies could of course continue to operate much as before, but the big independent companies, even if they shifted operations elsewhere, would be hit hard.
For President Obama, an environmental disaster of the scale we are discussing could have political consequences at least equivalent to those of the Iranian hostage crisis during the Carter presidency. Obama’s only chance at survival would be an FDR-like show of leadership backed by bold energy and economic plans and ruthless disregard for partisan bickering and monied interests.
For the U.S. economy, already weakened by a still-unfolding financial crisis, a worst-case scenario in the Gulf could be the last straw. The cumulative impacts—falling grain exports, soaring unemployment in southeastern coastal states, higher oil prices—would almost certainly spell the end to any hope of recovery and might push the nation into the worst Depression in its history.
We would all prefer not even to contemplate such a scenario, much less live with it. It is irresponsible to inflict needless worry on readers, but the more I learn about the technical issues, and the worse news gets, the more likely this scenario seems. We all hope that a relief well will succeed in stopping the oil flow sometime around August, and that until then BP will be able to siphon off most of the oil escaping through the riser and damaged blowout preventer. But one has to wonder: is anyone at the White House seriously considering the worst-case scenario? And what should citizens be doing to prepare, just in case?
(Here’s a tip: read my FIRST post or so at this blog on survival / preparedness and stock in at least a 30-day, 60-day better food supply ~!)
Gulf Oil Spill,
Gulf sea life killed,
Thursday, June 24, 2010
This doesn't sound too good... so much for 'transparency'. In China, at Tenimen Square, the tanks were right out there in the open to quell opposition to tyranny -- in the USA, same thing takes place behind closed doors. Less visible, but same effect probably. But then we can't have people doing their OWN thinking -- it would hurt the bottom line/profits, and threaten a lot of bureaucraps whose jobs it is to do the thinking FOR the sheeple ~!
The Fate of the Internet. Decided in a Back Room
By Tim Karr, June 22, 2010 The Wall Street Journal just reported that the Federal Communications Commission is holding "closed-door meetings"with industry to broker a deal on Net Neutrality – the rule that lets users determine their own Internet experience.
Given that the corporations at the table all profit from gaining control over information, the outcome won't be pretty.
The meetings include a small group of industry lobbyists representing the likes of AT&T, Verizon, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, and Google. They reportedly met for two-and-a-half hours on Monday morning and will convene another meeting today. The goal according to insiders is to "reach consensus" on rules of the road for the Internet.
This is what a failed democracy looks like: After years of avid public support for Net Neutrality – involving millions of people from across the political spectrum – the federal regulator quietly huddles with industry lobbyists to eliminate basic protections and serve Wall Street’s bottom line.
We’ve seen government cater to big business in the same ways, prior to the BP oil disaster and the subprime mortgage meltdown.
The Industry's regulatory capture of the Internet is now almost complete. The one agency tasked with oversight of communications now thinks it can wriggle free of its obligation to protect the open Internet, if only it can get industry to agree on a solution.
Congress is holding its own series of "closed-door" meetings and, while they’ve been ambiguous on the details, many remain skeptical on whether the process will lead to an outcome that serves the public interest. After all, this is the same Congress that is bankrolled by the phone and cable lobby in excess of $100 million.
Why is this so startling even for the more cynical among us? The Obama administration promised to embrace a new era of government transparency. It’s the tool we were supposed to use to pry open policymaking and expose it to the light of public scrutiny.
In that spirit, President Obama pledged to "take a backseat to no one" in his support for Net Neutrality. He appointed Julius Genachowski to head the FCC -- the man who crafted his pro-Net Neutrality platform in 2008.
But the mere existence of these private meetings reveals to us a chairman who has fallen far short of expectations. Instead Genachowski is shying from the need to fortify the Internet’s open architecture in favor of deals made between DC power brokers.
These deals will determine who ultimately controls Internet content and innovation. Will phone and cable companies succeed in their decade-long push to take ownership of both the infrastructure of the Internet and the information that flows across its pipes? Will they cut in a few giant companies like Google and the recording industry to get their way?
Whatever the outcome, the public – including the tens of millions of Americans who use the Internet every day and in every way – are not being given a seat at the table.
Genachowski’s closed-door sessions come after six months of public comments on whether the agency should proceed with a rule to protect Net Neutrality.
During that period, more than 85 percent of comments received by the agency called for a strong Net Neutrality rule. Look at it this way: If a candidate received more than 85 percent of the vote, wouldn’t she have a mandate to decide on the public’s behalf?
In Chairman Genachowski’s alternative view of reality, though, the public is immaterial, and industry consensus supreme.
The Fate of the Internet. Decided in a Back Room
By Tim Karr, June 22, 2010 The Wall Street Journal just reported that the Federal Communications Commission is holding "closed-door meetings"with industry to broker a deal on Net Neutrality – the rule that lets users determine their own Internet experience.
Given that the corporations at the table all profit from gaining control over information, the outcome won't be pretty.
The meetings include a small group of industry lobbyists representing the likes of AT&T, Verizon, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association, and Google. They reportedly met for two-and-a-half hours on Monday morning and will convene another meeting today. The goal according to insiders is to "reach consensus" on rules of the road for the Internet.
This is what a failed democracy looks like: After years of avid public support for Net Neutrality – involving millions of people from across the political spectrum – the federal regulator quietly huddles with industry lobbyists to eliminate basic protections and serve Wall Street’s bottom line.
We’ve seen government cater to big business in the same ways, prior to the BP oil disaster and the subprime mortgage meltdown.
The Industry's regulatory capture of the Internet is now almost complete. The one agency tasked with oversight of communications now thinks it can wriggle free of its obligation to protect the open Internet, if only it can get industry to agree on a solution.
Congress is holding its own series of "closed-door" meetings and, while they’ve been ambiguous on the details, many remain skeptical on whether the process will lead to an outcome that serves the public interest. After all, this is the same Congress that is bankrolled by the phone and cable lobby in excess of $100 million.
Why is this so startling even for the more cynical among us? The Obama administration promised to embrace a new era of government transparency. It’s the tool we were supposed to use to pry open policymaking and expose it to the light of public scrutiny.
In that spirit, President Obama pledged to "take a backseat to no one" in his support for Net Neutrality. He appointed Julius Genachowski to head the FCC -- the man who crafted his pro-Net Neutrality platform in 2008.
But the mere existence of these private meetings reveals to us a chairman who has fallen far short of expectations. Instead Genachowski is shying from the need to fortify the Internet’s open architecture in favor of deals made between DC power brokers.
These deals will determine who ultimately controls Internet content and innovation. Will phone and cable companies succeed in their decade-long push to take ownership of both the infrastructure of the Internet and the information that flows across its pipes? Will they cut in a few giant companies like Google and the recording industry to get their way?
Whatever the outcome, the public – including the tens of millions of Americans who use the Internet every day and in every way – are not being given a seat at the table.
Genachowski’s closed-door sessions come after six months of public comments on whether the agency should proceed with a rule to protect Net Neutrality.
During that period, more than 85 percent of comments received by the agency called for a strong Net Neutrality rule. Look at it this way: If a candidate received more than 85 percent of the vote, wouldn’t she have a mandate to decide on the public’s behalf?
In Chairman Genachowski’s alternative view of reality, though, the public is immaterial, and industry consensus supreme.
Internet freedom
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
... er'huh, maybe make that us SMALL people vs. the biggies like former Bp CEO who finally got his life back and went to a yacht race this past weekend -- or the Louisiana judge who wants to take the feds to court to prevent safety moratorium on Gulf deep drilling -- he owns a ton of stock in oil companies and Halliburton who (didn't) cement the offending, leaking well.
I LIKE jim hightower, former texas land commissioner -- and caught him on jim moyer's swansong, last show he did on PBS -- 'bout time ole jimbo was surfacing again ~! he's almost as good as swami beyondanda -- but a decade older and not 'out there' as much -- sorta like a good ole boy w/ a Harvard education -- a modern day cross between Will Rogers, Mark Twain and Ben Franklin
Time to Take on Sarah Palin, the Tea Party Screamers, and Their Corporate Masters With Real Populism
We must reclaim populism from dissemblers and hijackers because populism is a legitimate, positive, uniting political expression with a rich history. June 21, 2010 By Jim Hightower
If a political pollster came to my door and asked whether I consider myself a conservative or a liberal, I'd answer, "No." Not to be cute--I have a bit of both in me--but because, like most Americans, my beliefs can't be squeezed into either of the tidy little boxes that the establishment provides.
Also, most of the big issues that our country faces defy right-left categorization. Take conservatism. It's a doctrine that classically embodies caution and...well, conservation. Yet the gushing and spreading Gulf Coast oil disaster was caused by people who proudly identify themselves as conservatives--including top executives of BP, Halliburton, and Transocean, as well as the top regulatory officials involved.
However, they're not conservatives, they're anything-goes corporatists. Likewise, the five Supreme Court justices who recently enthroned corporate money over democracy (Lowdown, March 2010) are routinely labeled by the media as "conservative"--but their reckless rulings destroy our democratic values, rather than conserve them. Again, corporatists all.
As I've rambled through life, I've observed that the true political spectrum in our society does not range from right to left, but from top to bottom. This is how America's economic and political systems really shake out, with each of us located somewhere up or down that spectrum, mostly
down. Right to left is political theory; top to bottom is the reality we actually experience in our lives every day--and the vast majority of Americans know that they're not even within shouting distance of the moneyed powers that rule from the top of both systems, whether those elites
call themselves conservatives or liberals.
I LIKE jim hightower, former texas land commissioner -- and caught him on jim moyer's swansong, last show he did on PBS -- 'bout time ole jimbo was surfacing again ~! he's almost as good as swami beyondanda -- but a decade older and not 'out there' as much -- sorta like a good ole boy w/ a Harvard education -- a modern day cross between Will Rogers, Mark Twain and Ben Franklin
Time to Take on Sarah Palin, the Tea Party Screamers, and Their Corporate Masters With Real Populism
We must reclaim populism from dissemblers and hijackers because populism is a legitimate, positive, uniting political expression with a rich history. June 21, 2010 By Jim Hightower
If a political pollster came to my door and asked whether I consider myself a conservative or a liberal, I'd answer, "No." Not to be cute--I have a bit of both in me--but because, like most Americans, my beliefs can't be squeezed into either of the tidy little boxes that the establishment provides.
Also, most of the big issues that our country faces defy right-left categorization. Take conservatism. It's a doctrine that classically embodies caution and...well, conservation. Yet the gushing and spreading Gulf Coast oil disaster was caused by people who proudly identify themselves as conservatives--including top executives of BP, Halliburton, and Transocean, as well as the top regulatory officials involved.
However, they're not conservatives, they're anything-goes corporatists. Likewise, the five Supreme Court justices who recently enthroned corporate money over democracy (Lowdown, March 2010) are routinely labeled by the media as "conservative"--but their reckless rulings destroy our democratic values, rather than conserve them. Again, corporatists all.
As I've rambled through life, I've observed that the true political spectrum in our society does not range from right to left, but from top to bottom. This is how America's economic and political systems really shake out, with each of us located somewhere up or down that spectrum, mostly
down. Right to left is political theory; top to bottom is the reality we actually experience in our lives every day--and the vast majority of Americans know that they're not even within shouting distance of the moneyed powers that rule from the top of both systems, whether those elites
call themselves conservatives or liberals.
Gulf Oil Spill,
Tea Party
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
BP is burning endangered sea turtles alive.
News has just emerged from the Gulf Coast that BP is burning endangered sea turtles alive.
A boat captain who has been leading efforts to rescue the endangered turtles says BP has blocked his crews from entering the areas where the animals are trapped, effectively shutting down the rescue operation.
BP is using "controlled burns" to contain the oil spill. Shrimp boats create a corral of oil by dragging together fire-resistant booms and then lighting the enclosed "burn box" on fire. If turtles are not removed from the area before the fire is lit, they are literally burned alive.
The sea turtle most affected by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the Kemp's Ridley2 which is listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Parties responsible for killing the endangered turtles are liable for criminal penalties that include prison and civil fines of up to $25,000 per violation.
As a result, BP perversely has a financial incentive to allow the endangered turtles to burn rather than allow rescue crews to cull them from the burn boxe before the containment fires are lit.
"They ran us out of there and then they shut us down, they would not let us get back in there," said turtle rescuer Mike Ellis in an interview with conservation biologist Catherine Craig that was posted on 3
Tell BP: Stop burning endangered sea turtles alive. Sign petition at:
1 BP 'burning sea turtles alive', Raw Story, June 20, 2010
2 Sea Turtles Among Oil Spill Victims, NPR, June 10, 2010
3 Venice, Louisiana, Boat Captain/ by Catherine Craig, YouTube, June 13, 2010.
News has just emerged from the Gulf Coast that BP is burning endangered sea turtles alive.
A boat captain who has been leading efforts to rescue the endangered turtles says BP has blocked his crews from entering the areas where the animals are trapped, effectively shutting down the rescue operation.
BP is using "controlled burns" to contain the oil spill. Shrimp boats create a corral of oil by dragging together fire-resistant booms and then lighting the enclosed "burn box" on fire. If turtles are not removed from the area before the fire is lit, they are literally burned alive.
The sea turtle most affected by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the Kemp's Ridley2 which is listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Parties responsible for killing the endangered turtles are liable for criminal penalties that include prison and civil fines of up to $25,000 per violation.
As a result, BP perversely has a financial incentive to allow the endangered turtles to burn rather than allow rescue crews to cull them from the burn boxe before the containment fires are lit.
"They ran us out of there and then they shut us down, they would not let us get back in there," said turtle rescuer Mike Ellis in an interview with conservation biologist Catherine Craig that was posted on 3
Tell BP: Stop burning endangered sea turtles alive. Sign petition at:
1 BP 'burning sea turtles alive', Raw Story, June 20, 2010
2 Sea Turtles Among Oil Spill Victims, NPR, June 10, 2010
3 Venice, Louisiana, Boat Captain/ by Catherine Craig, YouTube, June 13, 2010.
Gulf Oil Spill,
Gulf sea life killed
I couldn't say it better...
My dear buddy, Steve Bhaerman, aka Swami Beyonanda, IS A GENIUS -- at least as a wordsmith -- and no, NOT all my posts here will be cut and pasted -- but he gave permission to "re-print" his stuff here (hope some readers will subscribe to him and check out Spontaneous Evolution he co-authored with Bruce Lipton)... but I'm still weary from almost 400 miles of driving over past weekend AND the l00+ F heat here... so inspiration is reduced to sharing vs. original composition from yours truly~! Enjoy:
Message From Swami: It Takes a Pillage and a Spillage to Wake the Village and Stop the Drillage
Dear Swami:
The whole world is shocked and saddened by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and I for one am hoping that there is some redeeming benefit in this ecological horror. Since you tend to have a positive perspective, can you find something positive to say about this disaster? Is there some way humanity can deal with this cataclysm? Ollie Volving, Grimstad, Norway
Dear Ollie:
It is indeed challenging to say something positive about this disaster, but here goes: I am positive this is a disaster. With all the technical fixes broken, there's no telling how long BP will be peeing into the Gulf.
You know, it doesn't seem to matter how alarming the alarm is, we humans tend to want to hit snooze. But it's getting harder to snooze through the news. Take the economic meltdown -- please! While Americans felt the pain, and older folks waxed nostalgic about the good old days, when people robbed banks instead of the other way around, in the end most folks watched passively as our commonwealth got pillaged by the uncommonly wealthy.
But if a pillage alone doesn't awaken the village, then maybe a pillage AND a spillage will do it. And now that Obama has presented BP with a $20 billion invoice, maybe it takes a billage to stop the drillage.
But here is the problem. We humans are so used to fighting amongst ourselves (and that includes all of us, folks ... that's why I know that a sign that Nonjudgment Day is near is when all the peace groups make peace with one another), that we haven't yet learned to speak in one voice to say, "Stop the pillage, the spillage and the drillage ... we are poisoning our global village!"
And ... more importantly ... in that same unified voice, declare the One Suggestion as the new planetary operating system: "We are here to re-grow the Garden, and have a heaven of a time doing it."
If we really want to overgrow the current system ruled by fossilized fools fueled by fossil fuels, we have to address that other spillage of crude that has polluted our body politic: The igno-rants of media motor mouths, particularly those on Fox "News" who have turned their lie-ability into an asset. If only the Evangelicals were into metaphysics ... they would see that F-O-X is 6-6-6 in numerology.
However, spewing more crude back is no way to bring fear-fed red tribe "conservatives" out of their Fox holes. And that brings me to the one sure antidote to cataclysm. Dogaclysm.
For millennia our spiritual teachers have been telling us to treat one another like brothers and sisters. And we see how well that has worked. Because, let's face it. How did we treat our brothers and sisters? We fought with them. We were jealous. We thought, "Mommy likes you better." Or, "Mommy likes me better, so nyah nyah, nyah!"
But what happened when a new puppy came into the household? Everyone stopped fighting and began petting the puppy together. And that's what we need today. Puppy love. Instead of treating one another like brothers and sisters, let's begin to treat each other like lovable puppies, and begin to feel the love. Did you know that when you come in contact with a friendly dog, your body secretes healthy hormones called puptides? And no wonder. Dogs are so filled with unconditional love, it's literally dripping over the sides of their mouths. Maybe the secret to world peace is empowering an elite corps of golden retrievers, beagles and spaniels to anoint all negotiators with their kisses before, during and after their sessions. Imagine ... the Salivation Army.
And so ... nature has presented us with a cataclysm, and we must respond with a dogaclysm -- a tsunami wave of love so doggone powerful that the agents of pillage, spillage and drillage will have no choice but to obey the Master and sit ... stay ... and roll over.
Message From Swami: It Takes a Pillage and a Spillage to Wake the Village and Stop the Drillage
Dear Swami:
The whole world is shocked and saddened by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and I for one am hoping that there is some redeeming benefit in this ecological horror. Since you tend to have a positive perspective, can you find something positive to say about this disaster? Is there some way humanity can deal with this cataclysm? Ollie Volving, Grimstad, Norway
Dear Ollie:
It is indeed challenging to say something positive about this disaster, but here goes: I am positive this is a disaster. With all the technical fixes broken, there's no telling how long BP will be peeing into the Gulf.
You know, it doesn't seem to matter how alarming the alarm is, we humans tend to want to hit snooze. But it's getting harder to snooze through the news. Take the economic meltdown -- please! While Americans felt the pain, and older folks waxed nostalgic about the good old days, when people robbed banks instead of the other way around, in the end most folks watched passively as our commonwealth got pillaged by the uncommonly wealthy.
But if a pillage alone doesn't awaken the village, then maybe a pillage AND a spillage will do it. And now that Obama has presented BP with a $20 billion invoice, maybe it takes a billage to stop the drillage.
But here is the problem. We humans are so used to fighting amongst ourselves (and that includes all of us, folks ... that's why I know that a sign that Nonjudgment Day is near is when all the peace groups make peace with one another), that we haven't yet learned to speak in one voice to say, "Stop the pillage, the spillage and the drillage ... we are poisoning our global village!"
And ... more importantly ... in that same unified voice, declare the One Suggestion as the new planetary operating system: "We are here to re-grow the Garden, and have a heaven of a time doing it."
If we really want to overgrow the current system ruled by fossilized fools fueled by fossil fuels, we have to address that other spillage of crude that has polluted our body politic: The igno-rants of media motor mouths, particularly those on Fox "News" who have turned their lie-ability into an asset. If only the Evangelicals were into metaphysics ... they would see that F-O-X is 6-6-6 in numerology.
However, spewing more crude back is no way to bring fear-fed red tribe "conservatives" out of their Fox holes. And that brings me to the one sure antidote to cataclysm. Dogaclysm.
For millennia our spiritual teachers have been telling us to treat one another like brothers and sisters. And we see how well that has worked. Because, let's face it. How did we treat our brothers and sisters? We fought with them. We were jealous. We thought, "Mommy likes you better." Or, "Mommy likes me better, so nyah nyah, nyah!"
But what happened when a new puppy came into the household? Everyone stopped fighting and began petting the puppy together. And that's what we need today. Puppy love. Instead of treating one another like brothers and sisters, let's begin to treat each other like lovable puppies, and begin to feel the love. Did you know that when you come in contact with a friendly dog, your body secretes healthy hormones called puptides? And no wonder. Dogs are so filled with unconditional love, it's literally dripping over the sides of their mouths. Maybe the secret to world peace is empowering an elite corps of golden retrievers, beagles and spaniels to anoint all negotiators with their kisses before, during and after their sessions. Imagine ... the Salivation Army.
And so ... nature has presented us with a cataclysm, and we must respond with a dogaclysm -- a tsunami wave of love so doggone powerful that the agents of pillage, spillage and drillage will have no choice but to obey the Master and sit ... stay ... and roll over.
Gulf Oil Spill,
Swami Beyondanda
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Is it REALLY an oil "leak" or something worse??
Like an underwater VOLCANO going off??? See *Update* BP And Our Govt Has Been Showing Us A Volcanic Vent, Not An Oil Spill, according to some. If that link doesn't work, go to:
Go to the link above to read the article and view the videos.
For some of the most current info on cleaning up the spill, go to and check back often. This site is really ACTIVE in looking at all the possibilities for bioremediation in the Gulf, backed up with hard science.
For you weekend you-tubing enjoyment, check out: and or just search "oil spill underwater volcano" at Or, if you really want some hair-raising stuff to consider, go to:
I'm NOT much on "conspiracy theories" -- altho I did have an auntie who looked under her bed every nite for commies -- and I thought SHE was nutz~! But I'm sure NOT "mainstream" either, and I have read quite a bit about plate tectonics, et al. In older version of the book, "The Coming Ice Age" I believe addressed the HUGE number of volcanoes UNDER the oceans -- perhaps more than those above water that we can see ~!
This is NOT to say I concur with anti matter radio, ONE way or the other -- but you sure won't see / hear this stuff on CBS~! There could be a grain of truth in all this, but I'm putting it outta my mind to go pow wow dancing ~! See
Go to the link above to read the article and view the videos.
For some of the most current info on cleaning up the spill, go to and check back often. This site is really ACTIVE in looking at all the possibilities for bioremediation in the Gulf, backed up with hard science.
For you weekend you-tubing enjoyment, check out: and or just search "oil spill underwater volcano" at Or, if you really want some hair-raising stuff to consider, go to:
I'm NOT much on "conspiracy theories" -- altho I did have an auntie who looked under her bed every nite for commies -- and I thought SHE was nutz~! But I'm sure NOT "mainstream" either, and I have read quite a bit about plate tectonics, et al. In older version of the book, "The Coming Ice Age" I believe addressed the HUGE number of volcanoes UNDER the oceans -- perhaps more than those above water that we can see ~!
This is NOT to say I concur with anti matter radio, ONE way or the other -- but you sure won't see / hear this stuff on CBS~! There could be a grain of truth in all this, but I'm putting it outta my mind to go pow wow dancing ~! See
Gulf Oil Spill,
Saturday, June 19, 2010
A Good Thing... ? MAYBE ~!!!
(NaturalNews) The U.S. federal government recently approved a $1.4 billion loan to California-based BrightSource Energy to build a massive solar power complex in the Mojave Desert of California. The plant will be capable of powering roughly 140,000 homes and the project would likely double the amount of solar power generated in the U.S.
According to Energy Secretary Steven Chu, the effort is being launched in order to keep "jobs of the future" in the U.S., indicating that the U.S. should be a leader in the global clean energy economy. "This is an investment in American jobs and the clean, renewable energy our economy needs," he stated in a U.S. Department of Energy (USDE) press release.
The complex will include three utility-scale solar power plants that will generate roughly 400 megawatts (MW) of power using the company's innovative and proprietary technology. The report estimates that approximately 1,000 new jobs will be created to construct the facility and, once completed, the facility itself will employ 86 people permanently.
Construction is set to begin on the first plant in the second-half of 2010 with a completion estimate in 2012. By the end of 2013, all three plants should be completed and generating power, which will be sold to Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison.
While efforts to expand clean energy production seem like steps in the right direction, the devil is in the details. According to the USDE press release, the Ivanpah Solar Complex is going to be located on federally-owned land. In other words, another U.S. industry is being shifted from the people to what has become the master of the people.
Why is this a bad thing? History has shown time and time again that when an oversized, out-of-control federal government - like the one presently ruling America – takes control of a nation's industries, that nation inches one step closer to tyranny. A government that has the power to give also has the power to take away.
Just like universal healthcare, federal control over power is a dangerous initiative. Not only is the solar power project being constructed on federal land, but the funds backing it are coming from the Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office, which manages the nation's "green energy loan portfolio".
This project represents the sixth "conditional commitment" clean energy loan issued by the department, and surely not the last. While it is honorable for a nation to invest in green energy initiatives, it is a whole different ball game to willingly hand over control of the energy sector to an increasingly-tyrannical federal oligarchy.
Why NOT fund MORE R&D into INexpensive retrofitting homes and businesses with roof-top solar collectors vs. these huge, MEGA-projects??? ~!!!! That would make "Power to the People" meaningful.
According to Energy Secretary Steven Chu, the effort is being launched in order to keep "jobs of the future" in the U.S., indicating that the U.S. should be a leader in the global clean energy economy. "This is an investment in American jobs and the clean, renewable energy our economy needs," he stated in a U.S. Department of Energy (USDE) press release.
The complex will include three utility-scale solar power plants that will generate roughly 400 megawatts (MW) of power using the company's innovative and proprietary technology. The report estimates that approximately 1,000 new jobs will be created to construct the facility and, once completed, the facility itself will employ 86 people permanently.
Construction is set to begin on the first plant in the second-half of 2010 with a completion estimate in 2012. By the end of 2013, all three plants should be completed and generating power, which will be sold to Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison.
While efforts to expand clean energy production seem like steps in the right direction, the devil is in the details. According to the USDE press release, the Ivanpah Solar Complex is going to be located on federally-owned land. In other words, another U.S. industry is being shifted from the people to what has become the master of the people.
Why is this a bad thing? History has shown time and time again that when an oversized, out-of-control federal government - like the one presently ruling America – takes control of a nation's industries, that nation inches one step closer to tyranny. A government that has the power to give also has the power to take away.
Just like universal healthcare, federal control over power is a dangerous initiative. Not only is the solar power project being constructed on federal land, but the funds backing it are coming from the Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office, which manages the nation's "green energy loan portfolio".
This project represents the sixth "conditional commitment" clean energy loan issued by the department, and surely not the last. While it is honorable for a nation to invest in green energy initiatives, it is a whole different ball game to willingly hand over control of the energy sector to an increasingly-tyrannical federal oligarchy.
Why NOT fund MORE R&D into INexpensive retrofitting homes and businesses with roof-top solar collectors vs. these huge, MEGA-projects??? ~!!!! That would make "Power to the People" meaningful.
clean energy,
solar power
Friday, June 18, 2010
Let's hear it for our Mother (as in Mother Earth)
Stunning Statistic of the Week:
$20 billion: Size of fund BP has agreed to create to pay for claims associated with the Gulf oil disaster.
$239 billion: BP's sales and other operating revenue in 2009.
$9 million - $14.5 million: The value of stock in oil and gas companies held by members of the House of Representatives and Senate who are charged with oil and gas oversight.
No, that headline was NOT just a "come-on" -- I just began with the above info as an attention grabber (of both my readers of this here blog).
Now for positive words of encouragement, from The Intender's Code mailings -- a worthy piece to think on this weekend...
The Earth is a live entity... and she responds to to you as you respond to her
I love Mother Earth. I can't tell you why, I just do. She's part of my calling, my purpose for being here, and somewhere along the line I realized that I'm supposed to leave her in better shape than I found her.
That's what the Native Americans of old did. When they left a place where they had been living regardless of whether it was overnight or over the season, you couldn't even tell they had been there. In other words, they cleaned up behind themselves. Wouldn't it be great if we all learned to clean up behind ourselves? Wouldn't it be great if we began to notice how nice it is when we come into an area and it's pristine, beautiful, and inviting because the previous inhabitants took the time to clean it up? When you've moved into a new home where the previous owner took really good care of it and cleaned it thoroughly for you, weren't you appreciative? Didn't you respect them for considering you, the next people to live there?
Leaving our environment as clean as we found it is a trait that's largely been forgotten in our world today. This pertains not only to our homes and campsites, but to our entire Earth as well. We're leaving it to our children. Wouldn't it be nice if we left them a place that is better than we found it? Wouldn't they be more apt to look back upon us with respect and gratitude for the good works we had done?
But, of course, that is generally not what is happening in today's world. We are busy making messes - environmental messes, nuclear messes, economic, political, poverty-ridden, battle-strewn messes - as fast as we can. Clearly, when we wake up and truly care again for our Earth and all her inhabitants, one of the very first things we will do is clean up our messes, beginning with our own backyards and moving outward from there. It will be a glorious day when we see people coming out of their homes and gathering together to clean up the streets and grounds in their own neighborhoods, picking up the scraps of paper and cans and plastic that we take for granted today. To me, some of the greatest heros of our time are the ones you see with black plastic bags slung over their shoulders, walking along the streets, roads, beaches, and byways bending over and picking up the trash. There is a man who walks Torrey Pines Beach in San Diego everyday doing just that. He is as tan, healthy, and vital as it gets, and I am sure that nobody pays him to do it. Because of him, the beach is one of the prettiest in the world and people flock to it to experience the feeling of natural beauty that is there. He is my hero.
I think the main cause for our mess making mentality is that we've forgotten that Mother earth is alive. We tend to get so caught up in our work and in our own minds that we neglect to look around and see that, like us, she is a living, breathing creature who wants only for the well being of herself and her children. And, like us, she feels and responds to her immediate environment based on her ideals. She wants to grow and glow and thrive and evolve to her highest potential, no different that we do. It is a great truth that when we begin to help her in earnest - even if it's to bend over and pick up a piece of paper from the side of the road - she will see to it that our lives are made all the better because of what we have done on her behalf. She will help us as we help her.
$20 billion: Size of fund BP has agreed to create to pay for claims associated with the Gulf oil disaster.
$239 billion: BP's sales and other operating revenue in 2009.
$9 million - $14.5 million: The value of stock in oil and gas companies held by members of the House of Representatives and Senate who are charged with oil and gas oversight.
No, that headline was NOT just a "come-on" -- I just began with the above info as an attention grabber (of both my readers of this here blog).
Now for positive words of encouragement, from The Intender's Code mailings -- a worthy piece to think on this weekend...
The Earth is a live entity... and she responds to to you as you respond to her
I love Mother Earth. I can't tell you why, I just do. She's part of my calling, my purpose for being here, and somewhere along the line I realized that I'm supposed to leave her in better shape than I found her.
That's what the Native Americans of old did. When they left a place where they had been living regardless of whether it was overnight or over the season, you couldn't even tell they had been there. In other words, they cleaned up behind themselves. Wouldn't it be great if we all learned to clean up behind ourselves? Wouldn't it be great if we began to notice how nice it is when we come into an area and it's pristine, beautiful, and inviting because the previous inhabitants took the time to clean it up? When you've moved into a new home where the previous owner took really good care of it and cleaned it thoroughly for you, weren't you appreciative? Didn't you respect them for considering you, the next people to live there?
Leaving our environment as clean as we found it is a trait that's largely been forgotten in our world today. This pertains not only to our homes and campsites, but to our entire Earth as well. We're leaving it to our children. Wouldn't it be nice if we left them a place that is better than we found it? Wouldn't they be more apt to look back upon us with respect and gratitude for the good works we had done?
But, of course, that is generally not what is happening in today's world. We are busy making messes - environmental messes, nuclear messes, economic, political, poverty-ridden, battle-strewn messes - as fast as we can. Clearly, when we wake up and truly care again for our Earth and all her inhabitants, one of the very first things we will do is clean up our messes, beginning with our own backyards and moving outward from there. It will be a glorious day when we see people coming out of their homes and gathering together to clean up the streets and grounds in their own neighborhoods, picking up the scraps of paper and cans and plastic that we take for granted today. To me, some of the greatest heros of our time are the ones you see with black plastic bags slung over their shoulders, walking along the streets, roads, beaches, and byways bending over and picking up the trash. There is a man who walks Torrey Pines Beach in San Diego everyday doing just that. He is as tan, healthy, and vital as it gets, and I am sure that nobody pays him to do it. Because of him, the beach is one of the prettiest in the world and people flock to it to experience the feeling of natural beauty that is there. He is my hero.
I think the main cause for our mess making mentality is that we've forgotten that Mother earth is alive. We tend to get so caught up in our work and in our own minds that we neglect to look around and see that, like us, she is a living, breathing creature who wants only for the well being of herself and her children. And, like us, she feels and responds to her immediate environment based on her ideals. She wants to grow and glow and thrive and evolve to her highest potential, no different that we do. It is a great truth that when we begin to help her in earnest - even if it's to bend over and pick up a piece of paper from the side of the road - she will see to it that our lives are made all the better because of what we have done on her behalf. She will help us as we help her.
Gulf Oil Spill
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Spillfighters is thrilled to see the news that came out of Destin Florida yesterday. In what we hope to be the first of many such actions, the County Commissioners of Okaloosa voted unanimously to protect the water, land, and livelihoods of the people of Destin, even if it means breaking the law. Frustrated with the slow response from BP and the Feds, the county has put in place a local emergency management team that will handle planning and implementation on site. $200,000 has already been allocated towards preventing the oil from reaching the Choctawhatchee Bay. Spillfighters has been in touch with a representative of local business interests who may begin privately raising additional funds to further ensure that the pristine shores of Destin are not further marred by the so-far-unstoppable flow of crude oil. We hope that other counties and parishes look towards Destin's example and find their own ways to do what must be done, even if it violates current law. - spillfighter alert -
Okaloosa County isn't taking oil spill orders any more. County commissioners voted unanimously to give their emergency management team the power to take whatever action it deems necessary to prevent oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill from entering Choctawhatchee Bay through the East Pass... Commission chairman Wayne Harris said he and his fellow commissioners made their unanimous decision knowing full well they could be prosecuted for it.
Get more info at or VOLUNTEER to help~!
Spillfighters is thrilled to see the news that came out of Destin Florida yesterday. In what we hope to be the first of many such actions, the County Commissioners of Okaloosa voted unanimously to protect the water, land, and livelihoods of the people of Destin, even if it means breaking the law. Frustrated with the slow response from BP and the Feds, the county has put in place a local emergency management team that will handle planning and implementation on site. $200,000 has already been allocated towards preventing the oil from reaching the Choctawhatchee Bay. Spillfighters has been in touch with a representative of local business interests who may begin privately raising additional funds to further ensure that the pristine shores of Destin are not further marred by the so-far-unstoppable flow of crude oil. We hope that other counties and parishes look towards Destin's example and find their own ways to do what must be done, even if it violates current law. - spillfighter alert -
Okaloosa County isn't taking oil spill orders any more. County commissioners voted unanimously to give their emergency management team the power to take whatever action it deems necessary to prevent oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill from entering Choctawhatchee Bay through the East Pass... Commission chairman Wayne Harris said he and his fellow commissioners made their unanimous decision knowing full well they could be prosecuted for it.
Get more info at or VOLUNTEER to help~!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Oil just keeps spewing and the lies just keep flowing, as well
BP Official Admits to Damage BENEATH THE SEA FLOOR
As I noted Tuesday, there is growing evidence that BP's oil well - technically called the "well casing" or "well bore" - has suffered damage beneath the level of the sea floor.
The evidence is growing stronger and stronger that there is substantial damage beneath the sea floor. Indeed, it appears that BP officials themselves have admitted to such damage. This has enormous impacts on both the amount of oil leaking into the Gulf, and the prospects for quickly stopping the leak this summer.
The failure of the so-called top kill procedure - which entailed pumping mud into the well at high velocity - suggested "there actually could be something wrong with the well casing, and there could be open communication in the strata or the rock formations below the sea floor," Admiral Thad Allen, the commandant of the Coast Guard, said.
Such "open communication", imho could mean the oil is NOT necessarily flowing up thru a broken pipe/BOP, but out of the formation, itself.
then there's the "media management" going on by BP -- BP Censoring Media & Destroying Evidence
By Riki Ott
ORANGE BEACH, AL -- While President Obama insists that the federal government is firmly in control of the response to BP's spill in the Gulf, people in coastal communities where I visited last week in Louisiana and Alabama know an inconvenient truth: BP -- not our president -- controls the response. In fact, people on the ground say things are out of control in the gulf.
Even worse, as my latest week of adventures illustrate, BP is using federal agencies to shield itself from public accountability.
For example, while flying on a small plane from New Orleans to Orange Beach, the pilot suddenly exclaimed, "Look at that!" The thin red line marking the federal restrictions of 3000 ft over the oiled Gulf region had just jumped to include the barrier islands off Alabama!
"There's only one reason for that," the pilot said. "BP doesn't want the media taking pictures ofOIL ON the BEACHES. You should see the oil that's about six miles off the coast," he said grimly. We looked down at the wavy orange boom surrounding the islands below us. The pilot shook his head. "There's no way those booms are going to stop what's offshore from hitting those beaches."[NOTE these booms are absoultely USELESS -mere PR they STOP nothing. jm]
BP knows this as well -- boom can only deflect oil under the calmest of sea conditions, not barricade it -- so they have stepped up their already aggressive effort to control what the public sees.
At the same time I was en route to Orange Beach, Clint Guidry with the Louisiana Shrimp Association and Dean Blanchard, who owns the largest shrimp processor in Louisiana, were in Grand Isle taking Anderson Cooper out in a small boat to see the oiled beaches. The US COAST GUARD held up the boat for 20 minutes - an intimidation tactic intended to stop the cameras from recording BP's damage. Luckily for Cooper and the viewing public, Dean Blanchard is not easily intimidated.
Credit - Clint Guidry. U.S. Coast Guard blocking media from oiled beaches off Grand Isle, Louisiana. June 2, 2010.
A few days later, the gig was up with the booms. Oil was making landfall in four states and even BP can't be everywhere at once. CBS 60 Minutes Australia found entire sections of boom hung up in marsh grasses two feet above the water off Venice. On the same day on the other side of Barataria Bay, Louisiana Bayoukeeper documented pools of oil and oiled pelicans inside the boom -- on the supposedly protected landward side -- of Queen Bess Island off Grand Isle.
Credit - Louisiana Bayoukeeper. Ineffective boom traps oil on beach; oiled brown pelican awaits fate. Queen Bess Island, Louisiana. June 5, 2010. This is the Island that New Orleans had spent $$$$ time - huge boulders - to protect this santuary for PELICANS state bird which were almost extinct in late 60s. jm
With oil undisputedly hitting the beaches and the number of dead wildlife mounting, BP is switching tactics. In Orange Beach, people told me BP wouldn't let them collect carcasses. Instead, the company was raking up carcasses of oiled seabirds. "The heads separate from the bodies," one upset resident told me. "There's no way those birds are going to be autopsied. BP is destroying evidence!" PEOPLE have got to get to this next meeting that the President is supposedly having this week and ASK - We thought YOU were in Charge?
and is THIS going to be gummint "help"? Gulf Coast Evacuation Contingency Plans Soon to Go Operational:
The operational name for the Gulf Coast Evacuation is "Swift Fox". Yesterday morning at around 8:30 Mountain time, I received information that specific towns, in Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Georgia were having hotel rooms rented in mass by different named "Societies" using Federal government credit cards. The block hotel room rentals are for half the available rooms in hotels with a minimum of 120 rooms. Specific conversations were "overheard" that would indicate that the planned Gulf Coast evacuation is soon to be implemented. The only scenario I hear that may force the government to evacuate the coast is a multiple plume situation. Apparently, the unmitigated oil spilling has caused a pressure flux which, ironically, has caused a spider web network of Gulf seabed fissures, which has caused at least one other confirmed oil plume. NOAA is searching for two more suspected ones". This quote is from an insider who is really concerned as he should be. Here's additional info he provided. His comments in the following quote: "I know FEMA has already scoped out FEMA camp locations, i.e. vacant lots and swaths of land that can be leased temporarily in Texas and Georgia".
of course, NO ONE wants to be breathing air-laden H2S gas, etc. H2S is colorless, odorless and deadly, as everyone knows who has lived in West Texas around oil fields...
May Levels of Toxic Gases in Gulf Back Up Claim Made by Lindsey Williams
June 12, 2010
Appearing on the Alex Jones Show earlier in the week, pastor Lindsey Williams said that gases — Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methylene Chloride, and other toxic gases — pose a greater risk to human health than the presence of oil washing up on Gulf of Mexico beaches. Williams said the EPA is not reporting on the amount of gases escaping from the BP oil gusher. However, the second video below suggests the EPA has released data on the amount of Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene in the air in Louisiana.
On May 14 WWLTV in New Orleans ran a report on the levels of Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene in the air at that time. 5-10 parts per billion is the established allowable amount for Hydrogen Sulfide. WWLTV reported that on May 3 the level was recorded at 1,192 ppb. Pastor Williams said his sources report the level detected in the Gulf at 1,200 ppb and the amount poses a serious and even fatal health risk.
“The media coverage of the BP oil disaster to date has focused largely on the threats to wildlife, but the latest evaluation of air monitoring data shows a serious threat to human health from airborne chemicals emitted by the ongoing deepwater gusher,” the Institute for Southern Studies blog reported on May 10.
As I noted Tuesday, there is growing evidence that BP's oil well - technically called the "well casing" or "well bore" - has suffered damage beneath the level of the sea floor.
The evidence is growing stronger and stronger that there is substantial damage beneath the sea floor. Indeed, it appears that BP officials themselves have admitted to such damage. This has enormous impacts on both the amount of oil leaking into the Gulf, and the prospects for quickly stopping the leak this summer.
The failure of the so-called top kill procedure - which entailed pumping mud into the well at high velocity - suggested "there actually could be something wrong with the well casing, and there could be open communication in the strata or the rock formations below the sea floor," Admiral Thad Allen, the commandant of the Coast Guard, said.
Such "open communication", imho could mean the oil is NOT necessarily flowing up thru a broken pipe/BOP, but out of the formation, itself.
then there's the "media management" going on by BP -- BP Censoring Media & Destroying Evidence
By Riki Ott
ORANGE BEACH, AL -- While President Obama insists that the federal government is firmly in control of the response to BP's spill in the Gulf, people in coastal communities where I visited last week in Louisiana and Alabama know an inconvenient truth: BP -- not our president -- controls the response. In fact, people on the ground say things are out of control in the gulf.
Even worse, as my latest week of adventures illustrate, BP is using federal agencies to shield itself from public accountability.
For example, while flying on a small plane from New Orleans to Orange Beach, the pilot suddenly exclaimed, "Look at that!" The thin red line marking the federal restrictions of 3000 ft over the oiled Gulf region had just jumped to include the barrier islands off Alabama!
"There's only one reason for that," the pilot said. "BP doesn't want the media taking pictures ofOIL ON the BEACHES. You should see the oil that's about six miles off the coast," he said grimly. We looked down at the wavy orange boom surrounding the islands below us. The pilot shook his head. "There's no way those booms are going to stop what's offshore from hitting those beaches."[NOTE these booms are absoultely USELESS -mere PR they STOP nothing. jm]
BP knows this as well -- boom can only deflect oil under the calmest of sea conditions, not barricade it -- so they have stepped up their already aggressive effort to control what the public sees.
At the same time I was en route to Orange Beach, Clint Guidry with the Louisiana Shrimp Association and Dean Blanchard, who owns the largest shrimp processor in Louisiana, were in Grand Isle taking Anderson Cooper out in a small boat to see the oiled beaches. The US COAST GUARD held up the boat for 20 minutes - an intimidation tactic intended to stop the cameras from recording BP's damage. Luckily for Cooper and the viewing public, Dean Blanchard is not easily intimidated.
Credit - Clint Guidry. U.S. Coast Guard blocking media from oiled beaches off Grand Isle, Louisiana. June 2, 2010.
A few days later, the gig was up with the booms. Oil was making landfall in four states and even BP can't be everywhere at once. CBS 60 Minutes Australia found entire sections of boom hung up in marsh grasses two feet above the water off Venice. On the same day on the other side of Barataria Bay, Louisiana Bayoukeeper documented pools of oil and oiled pelicans inside the boom -- on the supposedly protected landward side -- of Queen Bess Island off Grand Isle.
Credit - Louisiana Bayoukeeper. Ineffective boom traps oil on beach; oiled brown pelican awaits fate. Queen Bess Island, Louisiana. June 5, 2010. This is the Island that New Orleans had spent $$$$ time - huge boulders - to protect this santuary for PELICANS state bird which were almost extinct in late 60s. jm
With oil undisputedly hitting the beaches and the number of dead wildlife mounting, BP is switching tactics. In Orange Beach, people told me BP wouldn't let them collect carcasses. Instead, the company was raking up carcasses of oiled seabirds. "The heads separate from the bodies," one upset resident told me. "There's no way those birds are going to be autopsied. BP is destroying evidence!" PEOPLE have got to get to this next meeting that the President is supposedly having this week and ASK - We thought YOU were in Charge?
and is THIS going to be gummint "help"? Gulf Coast Evacuation Contingency Plans Soon to Go Operational:
The operational name for the Gulf Coast Evacuation is "Swift Fox". Yesterday morning at around 8:30 Mountain time, I received information that specific towns, in Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Georgia were having hotel rooms rented in mass by different named "Societies" using Federal government credit cards. The block hotel room rentals are for half the available rooms in hotels with a minimum of 120 rooms. Specific conversations were "overheard" that would indicate that the planned Gulf Coast evacuation is soon to be implemented. The only scenario I hear that may force the government to evacuate the coast is a multiple plume situation. Apparently, the unmitigated oil spilling has caused a pressure flux which, ironically, has caused a spider web network of Gulf seabed fissures, which has caused at least one other confirmed oil plume. NOAA is searching for two more suspected ones". This quote is from an insider who is really concerned as he should be. Here's additional info he provided. His comments in the following quote: "I know FEMA has already scoped out FEMA camp locations, i.e. vacant lots and swaths of land that can be leased temporarily in Texas and Georgia".
of course, NO ONE wants to be breathing air-laden H2S gas, etc. H2S is colorless, odorless and deadly, as everyone knows who has lived in West Texas around oil fields...
May Levels of Toxic Gases in Gulf Back Up Claim Made by Lindsey Williams
June 12, 2010
Appearing on the Alex Jones Show earlier in the week, pastor Lindsey Williams said that gases — Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methylene Chloride, and other toxic gases — pose a greater risk to human health than the presence of oil washing up on Gulf of Mexico beaches. Williams said the EPA is not reporting on the amount of gases escaping from the BP oil gusher. However, the second video below suggests the EPA has released data on the amount of Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene in the air in Louisiana.
On May 14 WWLTV in New Orleans ran a report on the levels of Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene in the air at that time. 5-10 parts per billion is the established allowable amount for Hydrogen Sulfide. WWLTV reported that on May 3 the level was recorded at 1,192 ppb. Pastor Williams said his sources report the level detected in the Gulf at 1,200 ppb and the amount poses a serious and even fatal health risk.
“The media coverage of the BP oil disaster to date has focused largely on the threats to wildlife, but the latest evaluation of air monitoring data shows a serious threat to human health from airborne chemicals emitted by the ongoing deepwater gusher,” the Institute for Southern Studies blog reported on May 10.
Gulf Oil Spill
Monday, June 14, 2010
Prayer for the Gulf Coast...
Dr. Masaru Emoto's Healing Prayer for the Gulf
Focusing our energies in response to the Gulf tragedy and for healing the waters and its inhabitants -
Today at our church we read a letter from Dr. Masaru Emoto who many of you will recognize as the scientist from Japan who has done all the research and publications about the characteristics of water. Among other things, his research revealed that water physically responds to emotions.
Right now, most of us have the predominantly angry emotion when we consider what is happening in the Gulf. And while certainly we are justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms, if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr Emoto, himself, has proposed.
"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living creatures
in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings.
To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, planktons, corals, algae, and all living creatures . . . I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you. "
I am passing this request to people who I believe might be willing to participate in this prayer, to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico.
We are not powerless. We are powerful. Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily...multiple times daily....can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening.
We don't have to know how......we just have to recognize that the power of love is greater than any power active in the Universe today.
Please join me in oft repeating this healing prayer of Dr. Emoto's.
And feel free to copy and paste this to send it around the planet.
Let's take charge, and do our own clean up!
Focusing our energies in response to the Gulf tragedy and for healing the waters and its inhabitants -
Today at our church we read a letter from Dr. Masaru Emoto who many of you will recognize as the scientist from Japan who has done all the research and publications about the characteristics of water. Among other things, his research revealed that water physically responds to emotions.
Right now, most of us have the predominantly angry emotion when we consider what is happening in the Gulf. And while certainly we are justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms, if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr Emoto, himself, has proposed.
"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living creatures
in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings.
To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, planktons, corals, algae, and all living creatures . . . I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you. "
I am passing this request to people who I believe might be willing to participate in this prayer, to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico.
We are not powerless. We are powerful. Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily...multiple times daily....can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening.
We don't have to know how......we just have to recognize that the power of love is greater than any power active in the Universe today.
Please join me in oft repeating this healing prayer of Dr. Emoto's.
And feel free to copy and paste this to send it around the planet.
Let's take charge, and do our own clean up!
Want some "Good Medicine" for YOUR positive life changes?
The Bridge ~ Discerning
Perhaps one of the most significant small books on "change" (which IS the only "constant" in the universe) is this one -- The Code. After coming across it "by accident", I subscribed, free, to the daily emailings, then wanted to share these teachings with a LIVE group and started an Intender's Circle in West Texas. It soon split into thriving circles. We ALL need a group of like-minded spiritual seekers -- there IS power in numbers. Even the Christ nailed it when he purportedly said, "Where two or more are gathered together". I just don't / didn't do well with heavy duty theology, so "intending" works for me. Maybe it will for you, too.
Our challenge is not to learn to manifest -- for we are all masters of the art -
but to have a greater discernment over that which we are already manifesting.
As we said at the beginning of these Bridge Messages, we're moving into a time when all manifestations will become instantaneous; when we will have a thought and it will be there. If you look back over the last 20 to 30 years, you can see that this is so. It wasn't long ago that you could make an intention to fulfill a desire and it seemed to take weeks or even months to manifest. Nowadays, however, you can make an intention and step around the next corner and practically trip over your manifestation. Everything is speeded up. Our evolution and all of the powers that accompany it are accelerating at a pace that calls forth the best within us just to keep up. The next few years will be a training ground for us to see if we can be responsible to that which serves us. Will we create a life of abundance and joy - or something else?
The times we live in could be likened to the baking of a cake. First, you break the eggs - that's a violent act right there. Then, you take a bunch of different ingredients and you dump them all together in a bowl, and you whip the heck out of it. And while you're whipping, when you look at the gooey mess that's in front of you, it's hard to imagine that anything good could ever come out of it. But after you pour it in a pan and add the heat and time in the oven, out comes a beautiful, delicious cake for you to enjoy.
It's the same with what we're going through in these times of great change. Almost everywhere you look, people are stressed. Our lives are filled with fear, suffering, scarcity, and deception, and, from the looks of it, you would hardly imagine that anything good could ever come out of the mess we're in. But it can. Indeed, a wondrous new paradise on Earth is in the making, and it is up to us to bring it into manifestation.
All great manifesters know that discernment comes with the territory. In a dualistic world such as ours, when we make an intention to fulfill a desire, it's opposite always surfaces to test us. To pass the tests, three steps are required. First, we must focus on the original intention; that is to say, we need to be impeccable and of pure intent. Second, we must trust and have faith in ourselves. And third, we need to realize that we are co-creators. Our individual power is increased as we call upon a higher power to work with us. With this in mind, it follows that for us to manifest our desires/intentions instantaneously, we would be well served to call upon the highest power available. We can invoke this entity by whatever name we prefer: the Essence of the Universe - the Highest Good - God.
Our power seeks us out now, yet it is we who will decide what to do with it.
Can we be responsible to our highest and best interests? Our greatest tests lie in our ability to discern and remain focused on the positive. It's evident to those whose consciousness is awakening at this time that our experiences are flowing outward from our thoughts in each and every moment. Our challenge is not to learn to manifest - for we're all masters of the art - but to have a greater discernment over that which we are already manifesting. Indeed, we can create anything we choose. All experiences are equally available to us.
My Intention for today is:
I Intend that I am being even more vigilant of my thoughts now.
We encourage you to forward this message to your list of friends. If this message was sent to you from a friend, you can go to to sign up free for The Intenders Bridge. Anytime
Perhaps one of the most significant small books on "change" (which IS the only "constant" in the universe) is this one -- The Code. After coming across it "by accident", I subscribed, free, to the daily emailings, then wanted to share these teachings with a LIVE group and started an Intender's Circle in West Texas. It soon split into thriving circles. We ALL need a group of like-minded spiritual seekers -- there IS power in numbers. Even the Christ nailed it when he purportedly said, "Where two or more are gathered together". I just don't / didn't do well with heavy duty theology, so "intending" works for me. Maybe it will for you, too.
Our challenge is not to learn to manifest -- for we are all masters of the art -
but to have a greater discernment over that which we are already manifesting.
As we said at the beginning of these Bridge Messages, we're moving into a time when all manifestations will become instantaneous; when we will have a thought and it will be there. If you look back over the last 20 to 30 years, you can see that this is so. It wasn't long ago that you could make an intention to fulfill a desire and it seemed to take weeks or even months to manifest. Nowadays, however, you can make an intention and step around the next corner and practically trip over your manifestation. Everything is speeded up. Our evolution and all of the powers that accompany it are accelerating at a pace that calls forth the best within us just to keep up. The next few years will be a training ground for us to see if we can be responsible to that which serves us. Will we create a life of abundance and joy - or something else?
The times we live in could be likened to the baking of a cake. First, you break the eggs - that's a violent act right there. Then, you take a bunch of different ingredients and you dump them all together in a bowl, and you whip the heck out of it. And while you're whipping, when you look at the gooey mess that's in front of you, it's hard to imagine that anything good could ever come out of it. But after you pour it in a pan and add the heat and time in the oven, out comes a beautiful, delicious cake for you to enjoy.
It's the same with what we're going through in these times of great change. Almost everywhere you look, people are stressed. Our lives are filled with fear, suffering, scarcity, and deception, and, from the looks of it, you would hardly imagine that anything good could ever come out of the mess we're in. But it can. Indeed, a wondrous new paradise on Earth is in the making, and it is up to us to bring it into manifestation.
All great manifesters know that discernment comes with the territory. In a dualistic world such as ours, when we make an intention to fulfill a desire, it's opposite always surfaces to test us. To pass the tests, three steps are required. First, we must focus on the original intention; that is to say, we need to be impeccable and of pure intent. Second, we must trust and have faith in ourselves. And third, we need to realize that we are co-creators. Our individual power is increased as we call upon a higher power to work with us. With this in mind, it follows that for us to manifest our desires/intentions instantaneously, we would be well served to call upon the highest power available. We can invoke this entity by whatever name we prefer: the Essence of the Universe - the Highest Good - God.
Our power seeks us out now, yet it is we who will decide what to do with it.
Can we be responsible to our highest and best interests? Our greatest tests lie in our ability to discern and remain focused on the positive. It's evident to those whose consciousness is awakening at this time that our experiences are flowing outward from our thoughts in each and every moment. Our challenge is not to learn to manifest - for we're all masters of the art - but to have a greater discernment over that which we are already manifesting. Indeed, we can create anything we choose. All experiences are equally available to us.
My Intention for today is:
I Intend that I am being even more vigilant of my thoughts now.
We encourage you to forward this message to your list of friends. If this message was sent to you from a friend, you can go to to sign up free for The Intenders Bridge. Anytime
Sunday, June 13, 2010
NON-Toxic BIOREMEDIATION - how come they aren't using it NOW?
How come the "professionals" in charge aren't saying a word about cheap, harmless, environmentally sound BIOREMEDIATION to clean up the beaches, estuaries and marshes along the Gulf coast?
There IS a lot of info out there on it, it's been tried and proven since 1989 or so, and for a really good article on efforts / studies, see:
Just a wee bit from his article there: The situation in the Gulf of Mexico has become personal. How well we respond to this very RESOLVABLE situation is a litmus test for EVERYTHING, not just how we do business, but our education system as well.
“I have driven over 1,000 miles in the past week, first to meet and interview three prominent microbiologists at the ASM Conference in San Diego. ASM is the American Society for Microbiology. Microbiology is the area of science that would be expected to offer the most useful advice on how to remediate an oil spill. That is, if an understanding of microbial dynamics was sufficiently taught in colleges and universities. The term bioremediation refers to the use of life forms, in this case, microscopic life forms, referred variously as microbes, enzymes, and bacteria, to literally consume the contaminant which, in the case of the Gulf of Mexico, is crude oil.
The advantages of bioremediation are manifold, beginning with the fact that as the toxic contaminant is broken down, the results of the degradation is non-toxic. In other words, the oxygen depleted marine environment once again becomes oxygen rich, which supports the recolonization of the smallest creatures that constitute the base of the food chain. Chemical dispersants and surfactants (detergents) retard this recolonization, thereby extending the timeline in the recovery. Depending on the size of the contamination, this could turn years in recovery time, as some of the microbiologists suggested, into decades. Bioremediation can demonstrate a restoration of the ability to support microscopic life in periods that range from several weeks, to days. Of course, the extent of the contamination is a factor.
While many microbiologists appear to be aware of bioremediation, the understanding is not clear enough to have made it a primary or preferred protocol when “oil hits the fan.” In fact, even in documented cases of bioremediation successes, the professional opinion was that the protocol is inconclusive. Why? Because even though the oil disappeared, they didn’t know where it went. I’m referring to records of the first bioremediation effort that was performed in the Gulf of Mexico, some 20 years ago, in June of 1990, after the Mega Borg spill.
We’re paying the price of this depraved indifference to both marine and human life, to this very day.
These microbes have the ability to multiply at astronomical rates. A single microbe can become billions and even trillions in a day’s time. They will continue to multiply as long as there is a food supply; “food” in this case being oil. When the food supply is consumed, they stop multiplying (perhaps their purpose is served), and they are consumed by other microbes, which are consumed by ever higher lifeforms. This is the mystery that the microbiologist did not fathom, and instead of seeing a promising area for new research, the writer cast a pall of doubt (under the veil of “uncertainty”) about the entire process.
The experiment did work. Bioremediation did work.
I’ll share more of that here, and on video. (go to his link above)
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)
•Oil Remediation: A NON-TOXIC Approach
•What kinds of things are under the waters, in the waters and around the wat…
•Crude oil, Oil industries, Sugar Cane, Tabasco and Wild Wildlife – Fishin…
•Offshore Oil Drilling Accident – Profits – Planning – Revenues – Cr…
BP $100 Million Verdict
BP Trial Attorney Only attorney with BP verdict
www.txattorneys.comWildlife Rescue Efforts
Learn How Wildlife Is Being Saved From The Recent Oil Spill. Oil Spill Claims
Compensation For Spill Damages Get Faster Payback with Proof
www.BPclaim.orgSoil&Groundwater Cleanup
Achieving Regulatory Compliance And Closure at Competitive Rates
Posted in Alternative Medicines, Blogroll, Education, Healing, Health & Nutrition, Health related, News and politics, Random Thoughts, Social Documentary, Uncategorized
Tags: Alternative Health, Education, Gulf Coast oil spill, bioremediation
« Oil Remediation: A NON-TOXIC ApproachCleaning Up the Gulf: More Thoughts on Bioremediation »
There IS a lot of info out there on it, it's been tried and proven since 1989 or so, and for a really good article on efforts / studies, see:
Just a wee bit from his article there: The situation in the Gulf of Mexico has become personal. How well we respond to this very RESOLVABLE situation is a litmus test for EVERYTHING, not just how we do business, but our education system as well.
“I have driven over 1,000 miles in the past week, first to meet and interview three prominent microbiologists at the ASM Conference in San Diego. ASM is the American Society for Microbiology. Microbiology is the area of science that would be expected to offer the most useful advice on how to remediate an oil spill. That is, if an understanding of microbial dynamics was sufficiently taught in colleges and universities. The term bioremediation refers to the use of life forms, in this case, microscopic life forms, referred variously as microbes, enzymes, and bacteria, to literally consume the contaminant which, in the case of the Gulf of Mexico, is crude oil.
The advantages of bioremediation are manifold, beginning with the fact that as the toxic contaminant is broken down, the results of the degradation is non-toxic. In other words, the oxygen depleted marine environment once again becomes oxygen rich, which supports the recolonization of the smallest creatures that constitute the base of the food chain. Chemical dispersants and surfactants (detergents) retard this recolonization, thereby extending the timeline in the recovery. Depending on the size of the contamination, this could turn years in recovery time, as some of the microbiologists suggested, into decades. Bioremediation can demonstrate a restoration of the ability to support microscopic life in periods that range from several weeks, to days. Of course, the extent of the contamination is a factor.
While many microbiologists appear to be aware of bioremediation, the understanding is not clear enough to have made it a primary or preferred protocol when “oil hits the fan.” In fact, even in documented cases of bioremediation successes, the professional opinion was that the protocol is inconclusive. Why? Because even though the oil disappeared, they didn’t know where it went. I’m referring to records of the first bioremediation effort that was performed in the Gulf of Mexico, some 20 years ago, in June of 1990, after the Mega Borg spill.
We’re paying the price of this depraved indifference to both marine and human life, to this very day.
These microbes have the ability to multiply at astronomical rates. A single microbe can become billions and even trillions in a day’s time. They will continue to multiply as long as there is a food supply; “food” in this case being oil. When the food supply is consumed, they stop multiplying (perhaps their purpose is served), and they are consumed by other microbes, which are consumed by ever higher lifeforms. This is the mystery that the microbiologist did not fathom, and instead of seeing a promising area for new research, the writer cast a pall of doubt (under the veil of “uncertainty”) about the entire process.
The experiment did work. Bioremediation did work.
I’ll share more of that here, and on video. (go to his link above)
Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)
•Oil Remediation: A NON-TOXIC Approach
•What kinds of things are under the waters, in the waters and around the wat…
•Crude oil, Oil industries, Sugar Cane, Tabasco and Wild Wildlife – Fishin…
•Offshore Oil Drilling Accident – Profits – Planning – Revenues – Cr…
BP $100 Million Verdict
BP Trial Attorney Only attorney with BP verdict
www.txattorneys.comWildlife Rescue Efforts
Learn How Wildlife Is Being Saved From The Recent Oil Spill. Oil Spill Claims
Compensation For Spill Damages Get Faster Payback with Proof
www.BPclaim.orgSoil&Groundwater Cleanup
Achieving Regulatory Compliance And Closure at Competitive Rates
Posted in Alternative Medicines, Blogroll, Education, Healing, Health & Nutrition, Health related, News and politics, Random Thoughts, Social Documentary, Uncategorized
Tags: Alternative Health, Education, Gulf Coast oil spill, bioremediation
« Oil Remediation: A NON-TOXIC ApproachCleaning Up the Gulf: More Thoughts on Bioremediation »
Gulf Oil Spill
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The Divine Feminine -- Leading Toward Balance ?
Photographed I think May 16, 2010
There are many who have recognised elements of the feminine about this pattern, and indeed their analysis is quite accurate. There are many elements related to the feminine that are expressed in this pattern, the number 28 through the small circles, the Vesica Pisces and other elements. And again all of this is readily recognised within the subconscious, and the way these shapes are put together is that it is an expression of power. And so it is a message to the subconscious about the power of the feminine, in particular the Divine feminine coming forth once more into the world, and coming forth in a powerful way. And so, it is this that it is bringing.
All of this has been thoroughly planned and the message that this pattern contains, that communicates to the subconscious is one of balance as I said, and of compassion. It is not about domination, and there are many subtle cues that are triggered by this pattern. It in and of itself within the subconscious mind communicates this balance that you speak of, this interplay, and as other events unfold upon your planet, the way this balance will work will become more completely communicated. And so I would not say there is a specific message to perhaps bring forth into the conscious mind in relation to what you speak of. It is all being addressed and taken care of and much of this is addressed by this pattern implicitly. forth and again if you examine the pattern it has balance to it, and it is communicating that this expression of the Divine feminine is coming forth in a balanced way, a supportive way; powerful, compassionate and supportive. That is the message here. And believe me when I tell you it goes powerfully into the subconscious as you view this pattern.
Photographed I think May 16, 2010
There are many who have recognised elements of the feminine about this pattern, and indeed their analysis is quite accurate. There are many elements related to the feminine that are expressed in this pattern, the number 28 through the small circles, the Vesica Pisces and other elements. And again all of this is readily recognised within the subconscious, and the way these shapes are put together is that it is an expression of power. And so it is a message to the subconscious about the power of the feminine, in particular the Divine feminine coming forth once more into the world, and coming forth in a powerful way. And so, it is this that it is bringing.
All of this has been thoroughly planned and the message that this pattern contains, that communicates to the subconscious is one of balance as I said, and of compassion. It is not about domination, and there are many subtle cues that are triggered by this pattern. It in and of itself within the subconscious mind communicates this balance that you speak of, this interplay, and as other events unfold upon your planet, the way this balance will work will become more completely communicated. And so I would not say there is a specific message to perhaps bring forth into the conscious mind in relation to what you speak of. It is all being addressed and taken care of and much of this is addressed by this pattern implicitly. forth and again if you examine the pattern it has balance to it, and it is communicating that this expression of the Divine feminine is coming forth in a balanced way, a supportive way; powerful, compassionate and supportive. That is the message here. And believe me when I tell you it goes powerfully into the subconscious as you view this pattern.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Four Books you won't hear about in church... or Synagogue
The God Code by Gregg Braden. He's not Jewish, but he could pass -- he sure knows his Hebrew -- and his genetics ~! In this book, he explores "the secret of our past, the promise of our future", making a brilliant case fo a coded message found within the molecules of life, deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies, making us literally "related" to every man, woman and child on Earth, past and present. He draws this conclusion from a remarkable discovery linking biblical alphabets to our genetic code.
With nearly one-third of the world's nations currently embroiled in armed conflict, such proof of a universal origin and bond offers compelling evidence that we have much more in common than any beliefs that have separated us in the past. Through this newfound expression of unity, we find a place to embark on the road to world (and personal) peace when our differences may seem insurmountable.
This is a book I've read and re-read -- and recommended to EVERY thinking person I know ~!
Code Name God confirms that transcending all theologies and denominations, humankind has had a conviction of a creator divinity. Having brought the universe into existence, it remains present throughout, unfolding the ongoing creation. People seem to have always accepted that the Creator will never be revealed to us empirically. Dr Bhaumik finds remarkable support from science for the one source of religion. He portrays our objective knowledge of an abstract entity that permeates the entire universe. He also argues why an inseparable association of that universal entity with consciousness appears credible and why it would be logical to infer that the one source of the world's great spiritual traditions is grounded in scientific reality. Code Name God illustrates for general readers the particulars of these profound new discoveries of science.
The Third Jesus. "Jesus" has now long since "left the building" -- or at least escaped the confines of any one church or brand of theology. In Chopra's book, you'll get a whole new look at the great sage, healer (of minds, bodies and spirits) and teacher. Here, a Jesus is paradoxically presented who is both closer to the original and much more available to postmodern people than the stained-glass, hung-on-the-cross version. The book is bound to provoke admiration and condemnation, which, is what the maverick Galilean rabbi also did.
In his book here, Chopra introduces the West to a Jesus we have either lost of have never truly known. He explores what he calls the "Christ consciousness," which can be identified neither with the Jesus of History nor with the Jesus of the creeds, the doctrines, and the dogmas of the ecclesiastical institutions. This "third Jesus" can only be seen when we move into a new human awareness that will carry us beyond tribe, prejudice, judgment and certainly beyond our hide-bound religious systems and traditions.
Sacred Therapy by Estelle Frankel applies Jewish spiritual teachings on emotional healing and inner wholeness. By Harold Kushnet, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People, "Frankel has done an impressive job of blending ancient Jewish wisdom with modern psychology to fashion a powerful force for healing.
I couldn't agee more. In my spiritual quest, after growing up in a VERY fundamentalist, black-and-white religion, I turned athiest, then agnostic, then spiritual seeker, Unitarian, Methodist, then converted to Judaism (which made the most sense of all, really) and now comfortably UNcomfortable, just not having all the answers.
But, much wisdom was found in Frankel's book, e.g. "Sometimes, those very things that come into our lives not according to our conscious choide or desire turn out to bring us the greatest blessings." When (IF) I do attend church (or temple), I want to leave having been uplifted -- dusted off spiritually or emotionally, nurtured and srengthened to face another week.
I do NOT need any guilt trips -- Jesus 'died for your sins", or saving -- like teachings from Judaism, I'll answer to G-d directly for my mis-deeds -- or orders from headquarters, e.g. you MUST believe and accept..., or light candles every Friday night at dinner, etc. This is NOT to discount or diminish traditions -- they do serve to keep us connected with a spiritual history and should be honored as such.
But just as I never believed "GOD" could be fitted into a neat little box labeled Islam or Baptist or anything else, I don't think there's any pulpit large enough to fit Jesus into, so I remain content with my areas of "not knowing" and the jury is still out.
With nearly one-third of the world's nations currently embroiled in armed conflict, such proof of a universal origin and bond offers compelling evidence that we have much more in common than any beliefs that have separated us in the past. Through this newfound expression of unity, we find a place to embark on the road to world (and personal) peace when our differences may seem insurmountable.
This is a book I've read and re-read -- and recommended to EVERY thinking person I know ~!
Code Name God confirms that transcending all theologies and denominations, humankind has had a conviction of a creator divinity. Having brought the universe into existence, it remains present throughout, unfolding the ongoing creation. People seem to have always accepted that the Creator will never be revealed to us empirically. Dr Bhaumik finds remarkable support from science for the one source of religion. He portrays our objective knowledge of an abstract entity that permeates the entire universe. He also argues why an inseparable association of that universal entity with consciousness appears credible and why it would be logical to infer that the one source of the world's great spiritual traditions is grounded in scientific reality. Code Name God illustrates for general readers the particulars of these profound new discoveries of science.
The Third Jesus. "Jesus" has now long since "left the building" -- or at least escaped the confines of any one church or brand of theology. In Chopra's book, you'll get a whole new look at the great sage, healer (of minds, bodies and spirits) and teacher. Here, a Jesus is paradoxically presented who is both closer to the original and much more available to postmodern people than the stained-glass, hung-on-the-cross version. The book is bound to provoke admiration and condemnation, which, is what the maverick Galilean rabbi also did.
In his book here, Chopra introduces the West to a Jesus we have either lost of have never truly known. He explores what he calls the "Christ consciousness," which can be identified neither with the Jesus of History nor with the Jesus of the creeds, the doctrines, and the dogmas of the ecclesiastical institutions. This "third Jesus" can only be seen when we move into a new human awareness that will carry us beyond tribe, prejudice, judgment and certainly beyond our hide-bound religious systems and traditions.
Sacred Therapy by Estelle Frankel applies Jewish spiritual teachings on emotional healing and inner wholeness. By Harold Kushnet, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People, "Frankel has done an impressive job of blending ancient Jewish wisdom with modern psychology to fashion a powerful force for healing.
I couldn't agee more. In my spiritual quest, after growing up in a VERY fundamentalist, black-and-white religion, I turned athiest, then agnostic, then spiritual seeker, Unitarian, Methodist, then converted to Judaism (which made the most sense of all, really) and now comfortably UNcomfortable, just not having all the answers.
But, much wisdom was found in Frankel's book, e.g. "Sometimes, those very things that come into our lives not according to our conscious choide or desire turn out to bring us the greatest blessings." When (IF) I do attend church (or temple), I want to leave having been uplifted -- dusted off spiritually or emotionally, nurtured and srengthened to face another week.
I do NOT need any guilt trips -- Jesus 'died for your sins", or saving -- like teachings from Judaism, I'll answer to G-d directly for my mis-deeds -- or orders from headquarters, e.g. you MUST believe and accept..., or light candles every Friday night at dinner, etc. This is NOT to discount or diminish traditions -- they do serve to keep us connected with a spiritual history and should be honored as such.
But just as I never believed "GOD" could be fitted into a neat little box labeled Islam or Baptist or anything else, I don't think there's any pulpit large enough to fit Jesus into, so I remain content with my areas of "not knowing" and the jury is still out.
Where's EARTH DAY when we really need it?
Missing the Real Drama of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout Published on Wednesday, June 9, 2010 by Bill McKibben
In the early '70's, I was quite a radical feminist / environmentalist. Went to law school in Houston to become an environmental attorney -- drank my way out and quit after first year. But then went on to get a masters degree in environmental health sciences, thinking I'd later finish law school. Never happened. But, like always, I was a good 20-30 years ahead of my time. Still am. The article below, credit given, is edited, but still a good wake-up call.
WE NEED ANOTHER EARTH DAY MOVEMENT, this time toward NON-polluting energy. It's high time (overdue really) for eco-consciousness raising~!
When a well started spewing oil off Santa Barbara in 1969, it spurred the first Earth Day, which in turn launched the environmental movement and a fundamental questioning of the balance between humans and the rest of nature. It turned out, in other words, to be a real Moment.
It makes one wonder if there really shouldn't be a little more depth to the endless coverage of the Deepwater Horizon blowout in the Gulf. (Which, just to be semantic for a moment, isn't really a "spill," or a "leak," unless you'd also call a knife wound a "bloodspill," or a gunshot to the carotid a "bloodleak." BP has punched a hole in the bottom of the sea.) Yes, the obvious story is important: There's oil spewing out, BP has demonstrated infuriating nonchalance, shrimpers are watching the sheen wash up on the coastal marshes, etc. This all needs to be covered, and is being covered with the incredible agonizing boredom that only 24-hour cable channels can bring to any issue.
And there's a "political angle.". Is Obama angry enough? Is he connecting with "real people"? This sort of thing is conventional good fun for political reporters(especially when Obama plays along, announcing he's consulting with various academics in order to see "whose ass needs kicking."). But isn't there something more? Isn't this potentially a Moment too?
Let's think about the stories that are suggested by this trouble. One has something to do with peak oil. BP has gone to all this trouble for a well that taps into what they now think may be 100 million barrels of oil. And that's... five days supply for the U.S? Does that give you any sense of the precariousness of the arrangements under-girding our economy right at the moment?
Another -- even more important -- has to do with global warming. Let's assume that the oil from the Deepwater Horizon made it safely onshore and was refined and then burned in the gas tank of your car. What then? Well, the CO2 in the atmosphere would be doing at least as much damage as the oil spreading across the Gulf.
Consider the following things that have happened since the Deepwater exploded: * Asia and Southeast Asia have each recorded their hottest temperatures ever -- 129 degrees in Pakistan, and 117 in Burma. India is having the worst heatwave since the British started keeping records -- people are dying by the hundreds. * We've seen the biggest rainstorms ever recorded in lots of places, from Nashville to Guatemala -- the clear result of an atmosphere made 5% wetter because warm air holds more water vapor than cold. * Satellite data has shown that Arctic ice is now melting even faster than in the record year of 2007. * NASA has released new statistics showing that the past 12 months were the warmest on record and that 2010 is almost certain to set the title for the warmest calendar year yet.
All of these, it seems to me, could be considered parts of the Deepwater Horizon story because they demonstrate that fossil fuel is everywhere dirty. They change the political question from "is Obama angry enough" to "can Obama lead a credible fight for real energy and climate legislation?" More to the point, they connect with the mood of existential despair and anger that the oil spill has set off across the country. People are sad and bitter only in part because they see those pelicans oiled; mostly, they sense correctly that our leaders have yet to deal with what is clearly the biggest problem we face: the transition off of fossil fuels. The questions that the Gulf spill raises, in other words, go well beyond: How big an idiot is Tony Hayward? What will happen to the tourist economy of the Gulf? How cool is James Cameron's minisub?
The questions are more like: How out of balance with the natural world are we? And what would it require to get back in balance? You'd need to interview not just oil execs and colorful shrimpers, but nature writers, solar pioneers and psychologists. There's nothing pat about what's going on in the Gulf. It's the most vivid sign we've yet had that we are running into the kind of limits that people started talking about way back at that first Earth Day. But its meaning risks disappearing beneath the endless stories about Top Hat and Junk Shot. BP's great victory will come if it need merely confess to technical overreach and pay a few billion in fines -- if that happens, it can get back to making serious money, and the planet can get back to burning.
In the early '70's, I was quite a radical feminist / environmentalist. Went to law school in Houston to become an environmental attorney -- drank my way out and quit after first year. But then went on to get a masters degree in environmental health sciences, thinking I'd later finish law school. Never happened. But, like always, I was a good 20-30 years ahead of my time. Still am. The article below, credit given, is edited, but still a good wake-up call.
WE NEED ANOTHER EARTH DAY MOVEMENT, this time toward NON-polluting energy. It's high time (overdue really) for eco-consciousness raising~!
When a well started spewing oil off Santa Barbara in 1969, it spurred the first Earth Day, which in turn launched the environmental movement and a fundamental questioning of the balance between humans and the rest of nature. It turned out, in other words, to be a real Moment.
It makes one wonder if there really shouldn't be a little more depth to the endless coverage of the Deepwater Horizon blowout in the Gulf. (Which, just to be semantic for a moment, isn't really a "spill," or a "leak," unless you'd also call a knife wound a "bloodspill," or a gunshot to the carotid a "bloodleak." BP has punched a hole in the bottom of the sea.) Yes, the obvious story is important: There's oil spewing out, BP has demonstrated infuriating nonchalance, shrimpers are watching the sheen wash up on the coastal marshes, etc. This all needs to be covered, and is being covered with the incredible agonizing boredom that only 24-hour cable channels can bring to any issue.
And there's a "political angle.". Is Obama angry enough? Is he connecting with "real people"? This sort of thing is conventional good fun for political reporters(especially when Obama plays along, announcing he's consulting with various academics in order to see "whose ass needs kicking."). But isn't there something more? Isn't this potentially a Moment too?
Let's think about the stories that are suggested by this trouble. One has something to do with peak oil. BP has gone to all this trouble for a well that taps into what they now think may be 100 million barrels of oil. And that's... five days supply for the U.S? Does that give you any sense of the precariousness of the arrangements under-girding our economy right at the moment?
Another -- even more important -- has to do with global warming. Let's assume that the oil from the Deepwater Horizon made it safely onshore and was refined and then burned in the gas tank of your car. What then? Well, the CO2 in the atmosphere would be doing at least as much damage as the oil spreading across the Gulf.
Consider the following things that have happened since the Deepwater exploded: * Asia and Southeast Asia have each recorded their hottest temperatures ever -- 129 degrees in Pakistan, and 117 in Burma. India is having the worst heatwave since the British started keeping records -- people are dying by the hundreds. * We've seen the biggest rainstorms ever recorded in lots of places, from Nashville to Guatemala -- the clear result of an atmosphere made 5% wetter because warm air holds more water vapor than cold. * Satellite data has shown that Arctic ice is now melting even faster than in the record year of 2007. * NASA has released new statistics showing that the past 12 months were the warmest on record and that 2010 is almost certain to set the title for the warmest calendar year yet.
All of these, it seems to me, could be considered parts of the Deepwater Horizon story because they demonstrate that fossil fuel is everywhere dirty. They change the political question from "is Obama angry enough" to "can Obama lead a credible fight for real energy and climate legislation?" More to the point, they connect with the mood of existential despair and anger that the oil spill has set off across the country. People are sad and bitter only in part because they see those pelicans oiled; mostly, they sense correctly that our leaders have yet to deal with what is clearly the biggest problem we face: the transition off of fossil fuels. The questions that the Gulf spill raises, in other words, go well beyond: How big an idiot is Tony Hayward? What will happen to the tourist economy of the Gulf? How cool is James Cameron's minisub?
The questions are more like: How out of balance with the natural world are we? And what would it require to get back in balance? You'd need to interview not just oil execs and colorful shrimpers, but nature writers, solar pioneers and psychologists. There's nothing pat about what's going on in the Gulf. It's the most vivid sign we've yet had that we are running into the kind of limits that people started talking about way back at that first Earth Day. But its meaning risks disappearing beneath the endless stories about Top Hat and Junk Shot. BP's great victory will come if it need merely confess to technical overreach and pay a few billion in fines -- if that happens, it can get back to making serious money, and the planet can get back to burning.
clean energy,
environmental movement,
global warming
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